In Alibaba's hotel of the future, robots do everything

Earlier this year the Chinese e-commerce giant opened its Flyzoo hotel, described as an “ultra-modern boutique with 290 rooms that combine hospitality and technology”. The hotel of the future is the first in the world to bypass the entire check-in and key and room assignment process, leaving all management to the users themselves. Reservations and payments are made with an app, reception is entrusted to an interactive kiosk and entry into the rooms takes place with facial recognition. Automatic hotel If… Read more

Synthetic meat, in vitro burger costs continue to fall

synthetic hamburgers

The time of the synthetic hamburger is approaching. Just two years ago I talked about it here, remember? The forecasts were of a probable entry into the market within 5 years: the main obstacle was the price. In 2013, making a kilo of “lab-created” meat cost around 620.000 euros. Two years later the price was 85 euros, and today it has dropped to 20 euros. Production costs are rapidly approaching those that warrant making their way into the market,… Read more

The dish that absorbs fat and makes you lose weight arrives

AbsorPlate coming from Thailand is the innovative plate that absorbs fats and calories from food

The first dish that will make us lose weight by eating has arrived. It's called AbsorbPlate, and the name is explanatory, because it is a device that absorbs fats from foods and therefore allows us to introduce fewer "fattening" elements into the body. The idea comes from the Ministry of Health of the Thai government. Due to the incredible increase in obesity in the country, it was decided to patent this special dish. There are holes in the plate that literally absorb excess oil (up to 7 ml at a time), … Read more

Synthetic hamburger: 5 years for sale

synthetic hamburgers

In 2013, research by Prof. Mark Post at Maastricht University in the Netherlands led to the development of a synthetic hamburger that takes 8 to 9 weeks to grow in the laboratory. With the same technologies as two years ago and more resources, even a million products can be created, and maintain a pace worthy of a fast food chain. This is meat "grown" in the laboratory starting from stem cells: the commercial prospect is incredible, because a product... Read more

Tomorrow the Pepsi fat blocker debuts, and I don't feel very well.

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The global diffusion of soft drinks has reached widespread figures: an entire part of the 'Western' world seems to drink more colored concoctions than water. The results are alarming, many research centers on the planet have already brought out the results of different studies, all of which agree in attributing negative effects on the organism. The reason? Carbon dioxide which upsets the stomach. A burst of sugars (about 9 teaspoons per can) or sweeteners (aspartame and acesulfame suspected of being carcinogenic). The dyes. A disaster, in short. And for … Read more