Insulin “made in cow”: is the future of anti-diabetes drugs a cow?
One cow, ten hundred. A small herd could produce all the insulin in a country, surpassing current production methods based on transgenic yeasts and bacteria.
One cow, ten hundred. A small herd could produce all the insulin in a country, surpassing current production methods based on transgenic yeasts and bacteria.
Among the first GMO foods to end up on the market, the vitamin D "super tomatoes" developed by scientists at the John Innes Center
Almost 15 years after its development, the tomato created to have higher levels of antioxidants is approved for human consumption.
A new genetic modification can increase photosynthesis and uptake of fertilizers in rice, wheat and other crops. The effect is a 40% higher yield with reduced curing times.
Adding a gene that encodes human proteins makes potatoes 50% larger: sensational discovery or aberration? Posterity will judge.
A male GMO moth released to transmit a "killer gene" that kills all females and saves crops. The Oxitec method? Cruel but effective.
Perfect Day has obtained in the laboratory the protein part of the milk which forms the core with water and fats. The synthetic milk market is born.