The future is now: news about technology, science and society before they become mainstream.

FuturoProssimo is part of the network ForwardTo, studies and skills for future scenarios.


Crime Prevention 2.0: Dejaview Anticipates Criminals

AI for crime prevention is real: Dejaview assesses risks based on historical data and real-time analysis of cameras.

Future notes

Spain has the recipe for total energy autonomy

The University of Cantabria shows the perfect mix of photovoltaics, batteries and hydrogen: total energy autonomy is possible.

Future notes

Time Travel: A Team of Physicists Solve the Grandfather Paradox

A team of Australian physicists solves the grandfather paradox with a new model, opening up new perspectives on time travel.


Artificial intelligence

OpenAI o1: My Impressions of the AI ​​That “Thinks Before It Speaks”

OpenAI o1 redefines machine “thinking.” My thoughts on this technology and its future impact.

Jensen Huang, Nvidia: AI Factories for a Renewed World

Why Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Has Been Predicting a New AI-Driven Industrial Revolution for Months

Medical Research

Effects of Smoking: DNA Doesn't Forget, Even 30 Years Later

The effects of smoking on DNA persist for over 30 years after the last cigarette. Here's how smoking changes your genetic makeup.

A device turns sweat into data: with a finger

Health under control with a finger: thanks to a new wearable that uses sweat, monitoring vital parameters has never been easier.

Italy Next

Organizations and people who shape the future.