TRACIR, the wearable medical armor that saves lives

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The US Department of Defense has started a contract of around 7 million euros with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (UPMC) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) to develop a trauma care system that with the help of advanced sensors , robotics and artificial intelligence intervene on wounds instantly and automatically.

E-commerce also runs on smartphones

Lecommerce also runs on smartphones

As of 31 December 2016, a total of 45,2 million mobile telephone devices were active in Italy, with old "mobile phones" numbering around 12 million, down by 6% per year. This means, therefore, that there are more than 33 million Italians who use smartphones, whose penetration rate rose to 73 percent of the population last year. Not just phone calls It seems obvious to write it, but today the smartphone is successful because it allows you to carry out ... Read more

The largest company in 2030 will supply robot teachers

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Just thirty years ago the frontier was a school with a computer. Today, the frontier is having students with their own laptop. According to futurologist Thomas Frey, in the next 14 years the frontier will be to have students learning from robot teachers on the internet, and the company that will be able to provide this service will become one of the largest, richest and most important in the world. Frey's prediction is certainly made taking into account the latest macroscopic advances in artificial intelligence research. Robot teachers… Read more

Malicious software that pretends to be human beings

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Do you think you can distinguish between a human and a #robot on the phone? Are you sure? The new malicious #software are very similar to human beings, they can call us at home and ask for personal data, and it would be really difficult to say that you are talking to a robot. A perfect Italian, a question and answer that does not raise doubts. But if they ask us for a credit card, it is almost certainly a scam. #Very sophisticated scams, created by robots, but obviously organized by scammers... Read more

Virtual teleportation has arrived

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It's not a real teleportation, but almost. In fact, Microsoft announced to the world that it had created Holoportation: the system allows you to transport your virtual image from one part of the world to another and interact with distant people as you would face to face. In short, with a kind of hologram of the type seen in Star Wars. The system is based on a high definition video camera system and Hololens viewers, which, … Read more

Synthetic hamburger: 5 years for sale

synthetic hamburgers

In 2013, research by Prof. Mark Post at Maastricht University in the Netherlands led to the development of a synthetic hamburger that takes 8 to 9 weeks to grow in the laboratory. With the same technologies as two years ago and more resources, even a million products can be created, and maintain a pace worthy of a fast food chain. This is meat "grown" in the laboratory starting from stem cells: the commercial prospect is incredible, because a product... Read more

The mad rush of miniaturized health


The efforts that technology has made to improve our health conditions and our life expectancy seem to be preparing for the big leap, causing a substantial transformation in the way we treat ourselves and stay healthy for a long time. Here are the changes we should prepare for, and if they don't arrive quickly we should push for them to happen: Loanable Telemedicine: Telemedicine services, 'lighter' consultations that can be delivered via telephone or internet, now have an excellent propensity to ... Read more

A bionic leg guided by thought and chasing a record.


Zac Vawter lost a leg in an accident 3 years ago and since then he has been through an ordeal looking for a prosthesis (he calls it a 'fake leg') which for him had satisfactory answers close to those of a real leg. So the thirty-one-year-old software engineer from Washington signed up in 2010 as a volunteer tester in a research program with the aim of creating a thought-guided bionic leg. The Rehabilitation Institute of the Medical Center… Read more

At Christmas make a small gesture: save the world

The future of man is threatened by his own activities: if consumption habits, compulsiveness and illicit activities are not curbed, the near future will be full of unknowns and threats for the entire human species. In the meantime, it is above all animal species that pay the costs. The report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature, an organization that monitors the environment and suggests proactive solutions to guarantee its defense, is very recent: 25% of all mammals ... Read more

40-year-old tomorrow with zero libido: the fault of internet porn


New 20-year-olds have more and more problems in the bedroom (when they have sex): they are literally addicted to sex on the web, at least according to a study published in Psychology Today. The problem, especially in the future, is much more serious than it seems: it is a mass psychological problem capable of causing the next generation to lose their libido up to 30 years earlier than expected. How is it possible? According to the report, overexposure to explicit sexual images and videos… Read more