Developed metal that repairs itself at room temperature


For 6000 years we have made objects out of metal because it is strong and resistant: it takes a lot of energy to break it. The problem is that it takes a lot of energy to even repair it. You need a blowtorch that heats the metal parts up to 3500°C. Today, for the first time in the world, a research team has developed a way to repair metal at room temperature. A "regeneration" completely similar to the repair process of our bones, which will lead to the birth of... Read more

Mice were born without a "mom"

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It is always said that fathers are no longer useful, that children can now be conceived even without a man, but apparently this time science has made further progress. In fact, the first #mice were born from embryos formed without the need for sperm and egg to come into contact. The study, published in the journal Nature Communication, shows how the sperm did not fertilize the egg cell but 'drafts' of embryos. The great result was obtained at the British University of Bath, … Read more

What is life? Venter promises a new human evolution


“What is life?” asks Craig Venter, the man who first mapped the human genome and created the first cell with a synthetic genome. “Just 3 letters are enough to compose a universe of questions still unanswered. What separates the animate from the inanimate? What are the basic ingredients of life? Who lit the first spark? How did the first organism evolve? How extensive is life in the universe? If other types of creatures exist on other planets, they are intelligent… Read more

Blood nanorobot to treat infections and tumors


This is the case of "nanobots" or microscopic machines (about 50 nanometers in size) that science fiction had imagined in the Star Trek series and which, injected into a patient's circulation, went there to rebuild damaged tissues, eliminate pathogens such as viruses and resistant bacteria or even eradicate a cancer. Unfortunately, the economic factor often stops the ideas and drive towards innovation of motivated researchers: no one puts in the money and the research remains on paper. … Read more

Synthetic organ made 'from scratch' with stem cells.

pituitary gland

If you are still not convinced that stem cells are the future of medicine, listen here: a group of Japanese researchers used stem cells to synthesize a new, fully functional organ in the laboratory, starting from SCRATCH. This is the research team at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, which took mouse stem cells and transformed them into a perfectly functioning pituitary gland: the pituitary gland, otherwise called the pituitary gland, is a small organ... Read more