Developed metal that repairs itself at room temperature


For 6000 years we have made objects out of metal because it is strong and resistant: it takes a lot of energy to break it. The problem is that it takes a lot of energy to even repair it. You need a blowtorch that heats the metal parts up to 3500°C. Today, for the first time in the world, a research team has developed a way to repair metal at room temperature. A "regeneration" completely similar to the repair process of our bones, which will lead to the birth of... Read more

6 protagonists of precision agriculture, the future of food

mike rycroft 052 03 2019 fig2 768x840

The use of batteries for vehicles and agricultural machinery promises to revolutionize the cultivation industry by lowering costs and improving production. From large tractors to small harvesting machines, all vehicles will be completely transformed by electric. On the other hand, current agriculture is under pressure: on the one hand the need to produce more food to avoid the food crisis. On the other hand, the need to reduce waste and abuse of land and water. Precision agriculture can increase the production of… Read more