Synthetic organ made 'from scratch' with stem cells.

pituitary gland

If you are still not convinced that stem cells are the future of medicine, listen here: a group of Japanese researchers used stem cells to synthesize a new, fully functional organ in the laboratory, starting from SCRATCH. This is the research team at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, which took mouse stem cells and transformed them into a perfectly functioning pituitary gland: the pituitary gland, otherwise called the pituitary gland, is a small organ... Read more

Jasper walks again thanks to the stem


It's a beautiful day at least for dogs: Jasper, a small dachshund paralyzed by an accident, responded magnificently to a 6-month treatment based on stem cells: the results are not far from what a little long ago it could easily be described as a miracle. Jasper no longer sits still, he socializes with others and wanders around the house: he has started walking again, he has come back. [youtube]IWIE_YoL1LA[/youtube] The process developed by a … Read more