Here are the robots that live on our clothes

schermata 2016 10 20 alle 11.50.3410

More than bedbugs or insects, we could soon see real #robots on our #clothes. We have already told you in the past about Google's Project Jacquard, which has begun experimenting with the integration of technology into clothing. Today, a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University has gone further, creating small robots that "walk" on our clothes. The project is called Rovables, and aims to create small robots capable of autonomously managing movement and... Read more

6 bets for the future


The list of technologies under study is very long and is constantly updated: one of the latest lists of future developments that could change the world forever comes from the Institute of Ethics and Emerging Technologies, a research center founded in 2004 by a philosopher, Nick Bostrom, and a bioethicist, James Huges. The list, drawn up with the consultancy of futurologist Gray Scott, presents really interesting elements: here are the "magnificent" 6 technologies that could arrive in the near future. Age reversal… Read more

DARPin E2-79, is the beginning of the end for allergies


How stupid are allergies. Stupids. Our immune system becomes hysterical in reacting to external impulses and does so for no reason: an 'excess defense' which in the most serious cases can even lead to death. The so-called 'vaccines' currently on the market are only desensitizing treatments that actually act on the symptoms, nothing that eliminates the underlying cause once and for all. [highlight]Today a new molecule could succeed in the mission:[/highlight]its name is DARPin E2-79 and it comes… Read more