Retrieve the suitcase with 2.0 systems

lost baggage c

How many times does it happen that a #suitcase gets lost at the #airport, ends up in the wrong destination or is delivered to others? Very often. However, lost baggage not only ruins the holidays of the person concerned, but is also a huge cost to the budget of air transport companies. In 2015, lost, damaged or late-delivered bags cost airlines $2,3 billion. “Although there was a reduction of 3,75 percent compared to 2014 it is… Read more

In Amsterdam you sail without a pilot

amsterdam autonomous boat

After the pilotless metro train, the pilotless plane and the self-driving car, the intelligent boat that can do without a pilot also arrives in Amsterdam. The boat in question will sail in the canals of Amsterdam from 2017; the project, ROBOAT, will last five years and, if successful, could change the mobility of people and goods in the Netherlands. MIT in Boston is also behind the ROBOAT, together with the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan … Read more

Solar Impulse arrives in Egypt

solar impulse

We have already told you in the past about Solar Impulse, the first solar-powered aircraft. The plane is currently traveling on its penultimate leg, from Seville in Egypt, towards Cairo. The Solar Impulse solar-powered aircraft took off two days ago from Seville, in southern Spain, towards Cairo. The plane is piloted by the Swiss André Borschberg, at the control for the last time in this adventure. For approximately 50 hours the plane will fly over the Mediterranean and pass through the skies of Algeria, Tunisia, ... Read more

Here's how knowledge will be implanted in the future

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It's everyone's dream: to go to sleep and wake up with some more knowledge, perhaps having learned four or five languages ​​and having become expert economists. Since the dawn of time, studying and learning has been the result of effort and sacrifice, but perhaps in the future it will no longer be the case. In fact, researchers at HRL Laboratories, based in California, claimed in recent days that they had found a way to amplify learning by feeding the brain. Just like in the movie… Read more

Hyperloop will soon begin its tests


Elon Musk finally made it: his Hyperloop is starting to take its first steps. The first test stretch (about 10 km) in California is under construction. It is located in Quay Valley, between Los Angeles and San Francisco, and will carry 10 million people in its initial phase for the next two and a half years. In the prototype trains, passengers will reach a speed no higher than 260 km per hour in this initial phase, but in some… Read more

ET3, flying over land: speed at the tube.


A consortium of companies seeking to aggregate funds and ideas to reach the definitive development of the project recently presented this invention at the annual innovation award of the Da Vinci Institute. Transport through ET3, in the intentions of the developers, will be clean, fast, comfortable and accessible to all. What is it about? Imagine carrying out a sort of space flight, but staying on earth: traveling faster than a jet plane but doing it in an electric vehicle that... Read more

Cessna develops an aircraft condom

Okay, maybe it's not quite a full-blown condom, but the concept is very close: NASA has awarded Cessna with a brand new contract to work on a sort of 'protective skin' for airplanes, which would allow aircraft to repair damage 'yourself'. Following initial preparatory studies a year ago, Cessna is studying a special layer of energy-absorbing foam and conductive film that can withstand… Read more