6 future jobs in the financial field

Everyone says that a job in finance sets you up for life. Stable, reliable, profitable. But is it still like this? AI is also entering the scene in this sector, causing landslides that will soon become a real earthquake. What else can we call a scenario in which half of the jobs of the future in finance are automated? And which half then? Who will lose their jobs? And for whom will this new scenario be an opportunity? Because that's what it's about. … Read more

Canine, the robotic stick of our old age

A research team from Columbia Engineering took inspiration from the traditional cane for the blind. The result is a “robotic stick,” an assistant equipped with a LiDAR laser that offers the ability to “touch” objects with light to help traverse a space. Canine (from “Dog”, stick) is the name of this device that redefines the concept of spatial autonomy and improves walking stability for everyone, blind and blind. According to a preliminary investigation carried out by… Read more