Google Assistant is born: other computers to talk to!

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Google decided to talk to us. After the first voice assistants, such as Siri or Cortana, Google Assistant and Google Home are now arriving in one fell swoop. And from now on we will control our devices only with our voice. “The assistant converses with you, it's a two-way dialogue between you and Google, it understands the world around you and helps you do what you need. He makes it easy to buy movie tickets while you're on the street, he finds the… Read more

Here is the robot that swallows

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It is swallowed like a pill, and can deliver drugs into the human body, remove foreign bodies and repair the stomach. It is very small, but inside it contains a concentration of nanotechnology. It is the latest ingenious invention from scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston: an origami robot that hatches inside the stomach and can serve many purposes. The project was developed by the team of Daniela Rus, director of the Computer science and artificial intelligence laboratory at MIT, together with … Read more

Hyperloop, the train of the future


If in southern Italy there are trains traveling at 30/40 km/h, the train of the future, which barely touches the tracks, is already almost a reality. It's called Hyperloop, and it will revolutionize rail transport. You can travel from Rome to Milan in 20 minutes. The test that took place recently in Nevada on the super-fast train had positive results. So in the next few years, will we be able to reduce train travel times? The test that took place in the desert lasted a few seconds, the time that ... Read more

SkinTrack, and the skin becomes touch


SkinTrack is an innovative system that will allow us to make our own skin "touchable", to control the smartwatch using the user's arm. All thanks to a ring that emits a signal and communicates with a detection band attached to the watch. When the finger wearing the ring touches the skin, a high-frequency electrical signal will spread across the arm, a signal then picked up by four pairs of electrodes positioned in the band. We don't yet know when this technology will be commercialized, but the timing could... Read more

Here are the three Earth-like planets


Latest news from space: three 'twin' (or almost, let's say similar) planets of Earth potentially capable of hosting life have just been identified. These are planets that revolve around a dwarf star cooler than the Sun, called Trappist-1, which is located just 40 light years from us, in the constellation Aquarius. The discovery is sensational, and was announced in Nature by an international group of astronomers led by the Institute of Astrophysics and Geophysics of the Belgian University of Liège. “Thanks to telescopes… Read more

The alternative to gluten for celiacs

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There are two Italian women and scientists who could totally change the lives of celiacs, that is, those who cannot tolerate the gluten contained in some foods. The idea is to extract proteins from corn similar to that of gluten, to be added to food products for celiacs. This is to replicate the flavour, consistency and crumbliness of bread, biscuits and desserts, which only flour can provide. Thanks to this excellent result, the European Patent Office has included the two … Read more

The solar-powered plane: the future of transportation?

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The first solar-powered plane made its first flight and landed without any problems. At 8am yesterday, April 45, Italian time, San Francisco airport welcomed solar pioneer Bertrand Piccard, who flew aboard Solar Impulse, the first solar-powered plane, crossing the Pacific Ocean in three days. With the first solar journey, we want to give an impetus to the global community to accelerate the transition to solar energy. Solar Impulse left Abu Dhabi… Read more

In the future windows will produce energy: an Italian invention

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Italy, although it is often not talked about, is at the forefront when it comes to clean energy research. The creators of the window that produces energy made a simple reasoning. Windows are the part of the house most exposed to the sun, so why not use solar panels for a dual function? Let in light and produce energy from the sun. The idea came from the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa and Professor Aldo di Carlo of the Roman University of Tor … Read more

Stephen Hawking to discover space

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Stephen Hawking doesn't stop, and joins investors and wealthy patrons to discover space. The aim is to find life forms, and to reach Alpha Centauri in a few years. Hawking joined the Russian billionaire and philanthropist Yuri Milner and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in the venture: the three announced the launch of one of the most ambitious missions in space exploration, costing around 100 million dollars . The … Read more

3D printed shoes arrive

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They are called New Balance Zante Generate, and they are the very first 3D printed running shoes in the world. The new latest generation 3D printers can truly be used in every field, and today New Balance demonstrates this to us, a brand known for its lines of sports footwear, which has announced the marketing of the Zante Generate, the first shoes printed in three dimensions. The project boasts the collaboration of Intel; the sole is actually the part made with 3D printers, while… Read more

How the future will be according to Facebook

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According to Mark Zuckerberg, the future in ten years will be increasingly virtual. Between video chats, holograms, augmented reality viewers and robots to chat with, here is the vision of the future of the man who created an Internet giant (even if at the moment he is not sailing in excellent waters, given the decline in shares and activity of social media users). According to Mark, therefore, we will soon be inundated with videos, we will use chats to access any type of service and all... Read more

Apple will erase the bad words


Strange but true. Apple has patented software capable of "erasing", or rather censoring, swear words from songs. There will be a lot of work to be done on some modern artists. It seems like a joke, but the patent request is authentic: it was filed over a year ago, it has a code (Application #20160093316) and a name («US Patent Application for Management, Replacement and Removal of Explicit Lyrics during Audio Playback Patent Application»). Furthermore, in the United States, songs often had two versions: one... Read more

The largest giant black hole in the sun

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In science fiction films there is never a lack of a black hole, a singularity, something that can resolve the plot perhaps by making our heroes go back in time. But black holes really exist, and just yesterday one of gigantic, frightening dimensions was discovered: 17 billion times the size of our Sun. The discovery was made by Chung-Pei Ma, of the University of California-Berkeley, astronomer and head of the Survey study that examines galaxies and supermassive black holes… Read more

Intel buys Italian autonomous car company

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The self-driving car is certainly the future of the automotive sector; Intel also understood this, having recently purchased an Italian company to develop this project. Intel has in fact purchased Yogitech, as the Santa Clara (California) company itself announced on the official blog: “For years, Intel has been producing high-performance IoT systems that allow people and companies to make more informed decisions. Right now the industry is moving away from data automation towards a… Read more

Virtual teleportation has arrived

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It's not a real teleportation, but almost. In fact, Microsoft announced to the world that it had created Holoportation: the system allows you to transport your virtual image from one part of the world to another and interact with distant people as you would face to face. In short, with a kind of hologram of the type seen in Star Wars. The system is based on a high definition video camera system and Hololens viewers, which, … Read more

Bicycles will be smart in the future

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QiCycle, the first smart bicycle, will arrive soon. After smart phones, smart watches and so on and so forth, smart bicycles are also arriving. We all know the Xiaomi brand for smartphones, but the company doesn't just deal with smartphones or smartbands. Indeed, Xiaomi sells the Mi Air Purifier and the Mi Smart Scale, and soon also a smart bicycle called QiCycle. This is what an indiscretion that appeared in the pages of the Wall Street Journal reports today: there is talk... Read more

The app that allows you to see is coming

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It's called Aipoly and it's an app that allows blind or partially sighted people to "see" what's around them. Aipoly is an artificial intelligence app that allows you to explore the world in a different way, through a technology that communicates what you are framing with a guiding voice, obviously thanks to the use of the smartphone camera. The app currently allows you to identify around 1.000 different objects and 900 colors in real time. Aipoly was presented for the first… Read more

Amazon will make us travel into space in 2018

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Amazon intends to change our lives, and not just when it comes to purchasing products online. No, Jeff Bezos really wants to take us into space, as tourists, and he promises to do it within just two years. Science fiction or very close reality? In fact, it seems that Bezos will begin testing space flights with people on board next year and, if all goes well, tourists in groups of six will be able to experience a short space flight as early as 2018. Bezos himself said it, ... Read more

On Facebook there will soon be more deaths than alive

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Within a few years, Facebook will be a huge virtual cemetery. Sooner or later it had to happen: just as in the history of humanity, the dead will surpass the living. It has been calculated that in 2098 Facebook will transform into the largest 'virtual' cemetery in the world. This is according to the prediction of Hachem Sadikki, a statistics expert from the University of Massachusetts, who developed his theory based on the social network's choice to continue to refuse to automatically delete the accounts of deceased users, and in… Read more

Robot skin inspired by octopus

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The robots of the future will not have skin inspired by human skin, but decidedly better, more similar to that of an octopus. This special type of skin lights up and changes color if it is touched, it is elastic and can stretch up to 500%, it senses touch and pressure. Not bad for a robot. This is the first hi-tech skin inspired by the octopus, which could make the robots of the future camouflage. The skin of the future was described in the journal Science. This is the invention from… Read more

Superlight solar cells arrive

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The future will be made of solar cells, yes, but super light and very small. In fact, MIT researchers announced to the world that they had created the lightest and thinnest solar cell ever, which could easily be placed on any material and surface, such as t-shirts, smartphones and sheets of paper. To always have a clean energy source. To show everyone that the cells are really very light, scientists placed the solar cell on a soap bubble, without ... Read more