The next hard drive? It will be DNA.


The preservation of information is increasingly crucial: this is why companies like Microsoft are studying the "hard disks" of the future. Among the most promising research is that which focuses on a truly exceptional "physical memory": DNA. Our DNA is a medium that stores data about us: on an IT level its "performance" is extraordinary. Like Hard Disk, DNA does not degrade over time. It is so versatile that it contains in just 4 grams all the information produced in an entire … Read more

How to become a Martian. The course is coming


The movie The Martian seemed like pure science fiction just a few years ago, with Matt Damon surviving on Martian soil for months on end growing potatoes and producing water. Yet today there are those, like Elon Musk, who dream of bringing as many people as possible to the Red Planet. Other scientists do not reject the idea of ​​a mass migration to #Mars, once the Earth has been definitively exploited. Within ten years, according to Elon Musk (who founded the SpaceX space agency), there will already be… Read more

Can we go back to walking with Cyber ​​Therapy?


A new hope for those trying to walk again comes from technology, and precisely from Cybertherapy. What is it about? Virtual reality comes to our rescue, with a special super-technological "cave" in which to "immerse ourselves" to carry out physical and cognitive rehabilitation. They are called "Cave", and are two virtual rooms installed at the IRCCS Auxologico Italiano in Milan where virtual immersive Telepresence (Tiv) is experimented. In the caves you can simulate typical scenarios in which some disorders are treated, including cognitive ones in ... Read more

Here are the three Earth-like planets


Latest news from space: three 'twin' (or almost, let's say similar) planets of Earth potentially capable of hosting life have just been identified. These are planets that revolve around a dwarf star cooler than the Sun, called Trappist-1, which is located just 40 light years from us, in the constellation Aquarius. The discovery is sensational, and was announced in Nature by an international group of astronomers led by the Institute of Astrophysics and Geophysics of the Belgian University of Liège. “Thanks to telescopes… Read more

Here is the shoe that recharges the smartphone

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The future is already here. If it is true that the latest generation smartphones require more and more energy and longer charging cycles, it is also true that science and technology are making giant strides in seeking new alternative sources of energy. An example are these shoes that allow you to recharge your smartphone while walking. It's called Vibram Hero, and it's a shoe that allows, through a special technological innovation, to accumulate electrical energy every time its sole... Read more

Here's how knowledge will be implanted in the future

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It's everyone's dream: to go to sleep and wake up with some more knowledge, perhaps having learned four or five languages ​​and having become expert economists. Since the dawn of time, studying and learning has been the result of effort and sacrifice, but perhaps in the future it will no longer be the case. In fact, researchers at HRL Laboratories, based in California, claimed in recent days that they had found a way to amplify learning by feeding the brain. Just like in the movie… Read more

The future world will have stateless nations

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It is a truly complicated period on a geopolitical level: an epochal transition towards the future world that almost imposes the dynamics of social networks even on political entities. What is happening in Syria (and in other neighboring nations) has every appearance of being a transition from a world of "nation states" to a world of "stateless nations". It is not the only indication of a change: other unknown factors that determine citizenship or belonging to a territory are changing. … Read more

From Earth to Mars in 10 weeks with NASA's electromagnetic engine

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There is no longer any controversy surrounding NASA's development of prototypes of an incredible engine that does not require fuel and can take a spacecraft to Mars in just 10 weeks. The reason is very simple: science cannot explain how such an engine can work, even if currently at NASA's Eagleworks Laboratory further tests confirm the production of thrust. There are those who say that the results could be 'spoiled' by... Read more

Dear CERN, your accelerator is out of date


A team of researchers has developed the first prototype of a miniature particle accelerator, which uses terahertz waves instead of radio frequencies. A single accelerator module is just 1 centimeters in size, and a millimeter thin. Terahertz technology could allow the miniaturization of the entire apparatus: this is the objective of the group led by Franz Kärtner, of the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science. The prototype was presented with an article in the scientific journal Nature. The author hypothesizes numerous fields of application of accelerators… Read more

The invisibility cloak is in its last stages: impressive.

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Physicist Andrea Alu of the University of Texas has presented an 'invisibility cloak' which, in addition to the (already tested) use of metamaterials, adds a CMOS 'inverter' to the corners of the device, making it thinner and lighter. The effect is impressive and tangible: it makes us understand how this 'camouflage' mechanism will be used shortly thereafter, probably in the military field, even if it would have an enormous series of possible applications (even in ethology: the study of animal species would be facilitated by the possibility of being in… Read more

The gym of the future

Gyms are not a recent phenomenon: if you think that it is only a place linked to the vain and obese, you are wrong. The 'gymnasium' was the ancient Greek space that hosted the physical exercises and training of athletes. The first gym in the form we know came out in the middle of the last century, with a point of no return: the creation of the first working treadmill, in the 60s, which allowed the first brave people to start running in ... Read more

Tested a vaccine against synthetic drugs

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When you hear about “Ice”, “Shaboo” or “Crystal Meth” you know that these are some of the most widespread synthetic drugs in the world, as well as the most dangerous. These are active ingredients all deriving from methamphetamine, a sympathomimetic that literally bombards the brain with dopamine. According to the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, there are as many as 25 million users and dependents on these substances worldwide. A team of scientists… Read more


Gianluca Riccio, born in 1975, is the creative director ofessereQui, an advertising agency, copywriter and journalist. Since 2006 he has directed Claudia Mosca – editor Bianca Stan – editor Giovanni De Palma – editor Contributors Giulio Matteucci studies Physics at the University of Turin: he is a great enthusiast of Neuroscience and Biology. He contributes to Estropico Blog and manages the scientific dissemination blog SF – Scienza di Frontiera. Ugo Spezza's page

LipoControl: a laser will sculpt our body

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Freshly approved by US health authorities, a new laser application could become the next winning weapon in removing unwanted fat. Osyris Medical, an American company specializing in medical instruments, has produced LipoControl, a device for laser-assisted lipolysis, the elimination of unwanted fat cells: it is an auxiliary tool that does not avoid the use of the operating room, but allows (unlike the cannula used in liposuction) to 'break down' targeted groups of fat cells, facilitating the operation and cleaning of the ... Read more