The longevity tug of war: diet vs. exercise. Who win? Easy.
It's not just about living longer, it's about living better – that's the crucial role of diet and exercise. What to prioritize?
It's not just about living longer, it's about living better – that's the crucial role of diet and exercise. What to prioritize?
The exercise revolution hides in the eccentric movement, which stretches the muscle and allows it to gain new strength.
Analysis of the state of the art of gyms in Italy. Discover the success of the fitness and wellness industry.
Alberto Robiati and Gianluca Riccio guide readers through scenarios of the future: the opportunities, risks and possibilities we have to create a possible tomorrow.
News about the world of tomorrow.
We give news about the future of technology, science and society: if there is one thing that is about to arrive, it has already arrived here.
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