6 future jobs in the financial field

Everyone says that a job in finance sets you up for life. Stable, reliable, profitable. But is it still like this? AI is also entering the scene in this sector, causing landslides that will soon become a real earthquake. What else can we call a scenario in which half of the jobs of the future in finance are automated? And which half then? Who will lose their jobs? And for whom will this new scenario be an opportunity? Because that's what it's about. … Read more

The industry is already able to make plastic from sugar plants

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New research published in Energy and Environmental Science, a team from the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center and the University of Madison, Wisconsin has described an efficient and economical process for producing HMF, Hydroxymethylfurfural, a compound derived from plants and considered crucial in the development of a renewable economy.

Adaptive clothes to regulate body temperature


The most efficient way to stay warm is to increase or reduce insulating factors. Putting on or taking off a garment (when we say "dressing in layers") serves to create cavities that retain heat without dispersing it. Research on "smart textiles" continues in a very encouraging way: a small research team has developed adaptive clothes, textile materials that could drastically change the way we dress. The idea of ​​adaptive clothing is to develop a material capable of… Read more

Climate project: Carrefour awards 7 companies


Carrefour has started to look around among its suppliers (651) to identify the "greenest" companies that are ahead in adopting environmental sustainability policies. The company asked participants to present their projects, then evaluating them with the consultancy of Fedabo, a leading company in the sector, evaluating their innovative scope and producing a ranking: 7 virtuous companies, each for a reason. For Carrefour's sales and marketing director, Grégoire Kaufman, the process was natural: since 2011… Read more

Italy 2050, a workshop to build the future.


The Italian Institute for the Future (IIF) is a non-profit association that develops scenarios and forecasts for the future promoting sustainable and long-term policies. A real future study on the model of many foreign companies, which is not limited to offering visions of tomorrow but also contributes to the realization of the future through concrete proposals. On November 16th from 10am IIF hosts a workshop event at the Città della Scienza in Naples: "Italy 30, the remote future of our country". "Italy … Read more

Here are the corporations that control the world

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The idea that the few rule over the many is not new: a team of Swiss mathematicians has given a precise face and name to this 'master group' of corporations which, alone, controls 80% of the world economy. Global dominance theory? Study, not conspiracy The group from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (composed among others by Stefania Vitali and Stefano Battiston) used an analysis method often used to measure connections between websites: the ... Read more