Quipu discovered, the largest structure ever seen in the universe
A complex system of galaxy clusters called the Quipu structure breaks all size records in the observable universe, revealing new mysteries about the distribution of cosmic matter
A complex system of galaxy clusters called the Quipu structure breaks all size records in the observable universe, revealing new mysteries about the distribution of cosmic matter
The theory of cosmic inflation suggests the existence of parallel universes. Scientists look for evidence in primordial radiation.
The anti-universe theory challenges our knowledge of cosmic expansion, proposing a pair of connected universes, with opposing time streams.
Study reveals that gravity weakens by 1% over distances of billions of light years, suggesting a "glitch" in Einstein's theory.
A new study proposes a cosmological model in which tachyons dominate the scene, explaining both matter and dark energy.
Dark energy, responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe, may not be as constant as previously thought. A discovery that could overturn cosmology.
The multiverse is a fascinating and debated possibility among physicists, with all its questions about the nature of reality. Here is an overview of current theories.
The recent discovery of a gigantic cosmic structure highlights the possible need to review our knowledge of the Universe.
The theory of a second Big Bang could explain the presence of dark matter in the universe, a study suggests.
A multidisciplinary team proposes a universal law of evolution that goes beyond biology, encompassing minerals, planets and stars. A step forward in understanding the cosmos
The Boötes void is an inexplicable cosmic "hole", understanding which could make us rewrite what we think we know about the universe.
New research reveals that "visible" matter represents only a third of the universe: everything else is an enigma.
A group of NASA scientists considers the current climate crisis on Earth as a possible universal paradigm
The goal of the ambitious theory of spacetime 'pixels' as ultimate constituents of the universe is to combine quantum physics with the rules of general relativity.
New theories challenge the origin of the universe from the famous Big Bang, increasingly the subject of criticism. And to be honest, even time is not doing too well.
A team of theoretical physicists working with Microsoft develops the suggestive theory of a self-taught universe, in which we will never unify the laws of physics
Dark matter and other mysteries of the cosmos would find explanation in the existence of a new subatomic particle and a fifth dimension in the universe.
Everyone is looking for a "theory of everything" trying to find a link between the dynamics of the visible and the invisible world. The latest theory, sensational, has a convinced and learned supporter: the universe, he says, is a large neural network.
What are the long-term forecasts for humanity if it survives (very) long? 6 problems to face in a very, very remote future.
Einstein and quantum theory can agree if the possibility of a holographic universe is taken into account: a multidisciplinary study confirms this.
Many, many galaxies, more than we thought in the past, populate the #universe. To date, we can say ...