Month: August 2020

gamaleya vaccine russia production start of m5ew doses

Sputnik vaccine for Covid-19, all the doubts in the world

Russia amazes the world with its Sputnik vaccine for Covid-19. The doubts of the scientific world do not diminish the hope, and the wait to verify the results will be short. The first batch of vaccines will be ready for use within two weeks.

voronoi helmet 1

Voronoi, generative design bike helmet

Voronoi diagrams found everywhere in nature inspire this super light, super safe bike helmet with an extraordinarily organic and familiar design. A masterpiece of lightness and solidity.

bismart artificial intelligence 2

The worst AI threats? You don't imagine them

Many opportunities, but the same number of dangers, if not more. A multidisciplinary team has identified the worst threats that artificial intelligence will bring to mankind. With surprising results.