The consequences of Splinternet


The Internet is becoming a patchwork of different webs for each nation. It is a reality, and it will characterize the coming years, whether we like it or not. A very sad circumstance to suffer limits in the only place in the world that virtually had none.

Singularity: Kurzweil expects intelligent computers as humans within 12 years.


According to futurologist and Google chief engineer Ray Kurzweil, the singularity is approaching by leaps and bounds. “By 2029, computers will have the same level of intelligence as humans.” This is the statement made in a recent interview at the SXSW Conference. What is the singularity? (It is always good to remember this) It is a process-event that will bring the intelligence of computers to a higher level than that of human beings. And according to leading experts on the subject it seems to be getting closer over time. Even the theoretical physicist Stephen… Read more

Unexplained area discovered on the surface of Mars

mars FILEminimizer

Stars and planets are fascinating universes, which every day reveal dark and difficult to explain areas. It happened recently with the discoveries involving the planet Pluto, where a mountain chain was discovered that overturns every scientific thought carried out so far and it also happens today with Mars, a planet that seemed to have been studied in every single portion of it. The Curiosity probe has in fact detected the presence of a very special area in the crater area... Read more

Fight against a half obese and half hungry world: which side are you on?


The fight against waste in an increasingly crowded world immersed in a dense network of economic exchanges is a fundamental direction. Add to this the shortage of energy resources and the scarcity of food and we will have a future scenario that is truly difficult to face, unless we come up with an important idea, or we decide together to work on a better way of producing, consuming, even eating. . Every year, for one thing, almost a billion and a half is wasted... Read more

10 helps to increase intelligence

increase intelligence

With the new technologies of the near future, we will all be able to achieve super intelligence: while you wait, there are a few things you can do now to increase intelligence. Of course, it will be difficult to become a genius in one fell swoop, but learning skills, mental clarity and mood can be improved. Here are 10 remedies. Before reading how to increase intelligence, consult your doctor before taking one of the 10 "tips" contained in this article (except for number 3, for which you can ... Read more

3 cities to launch new projects: password? #wcap 2013

This year too working capital 2013 will support innovative companies by developing a path to encourage meetings between startups, investors and communities. The choice is strategic and "geosmart": the secret of success lies in a large 'backbone' made up of 3 cities (Milan, Rome, Catania) which will host spaces in which the mentors will be able to support the ideas of the competing teams. For inspiration and emulation it is possible to take a look at the winning projects of the past editions, consulting the repository developed in collaboration with the Kauffman Society: a platform that … Read more

Muse, take a look at your brain


There are several wearable devices already designed to monitor our vital parameters, from heartbeat to sleep patterns: a group of inventors is bringing to the market a user-friendly and wearable approach to brain wave monitoring. InteraXon is a Canadian company that is working hard to introduce a band called Muse, to be worn on the forehead, which uses 4 EEG (Electro Encephalogram) sensors capable of showing the traces of the brain. In the initial release… Read more

The era of "printed" food is approaching


Natural Machines is a Spanish startup that is currently working on a 3D printer capable of producing pasta, bread and other types of food starting from liquids and pre-packaged mixtures: it is a formula that could revolutionize the 3D printing market and also a a bit like gastronomy. Unlike other 3D printers, the device developed by Natural Machines could 'print' food from 6 different materials (treated a bit as if they were food inks). … Read more

Chiba, the robot chair that breaks down architectural barriers


Creating a wheelchair capable of overcoming architectural barriers couldn't have been very simple: today a team of engineers from the Chiba Institute of Technology, led by the Associate Professor, succeeded in the feat using a good dose of lateral thinking. A wheelchair? It's difficult to define it this way: when it encounters an obstacle, Chiba transforms its wheels into... legs! It goes without saying: the wheel is a universal and efficient way to allow all people with limited mobility to travel. However, … Read more

The robotic arm of DARPA ready in 4 years.


When over the last 5 years we reported news on DARPA's robotic arm (if you feel like it, the old site is available), we talked about advanced prototypes: today we can talk, with satisfaction, about clinical tests: it is the future. No later than two weeks ago, American health bodies approved the protocol that will allow volunteers to obtain the implant of a bionic arm: on the front line, once again, soldiers wounded in war. They will be the ones to experiment… Read more

Urine produces electricity: in 36 years I have squandered a fortune.


And I'm only counting humans: until yesterday it was considered an unpleasant waste product (except for diehard lovers of the drink). Today a team of English scientists has discovered a possible and very useful application that would help transform urine into electricity. Dr Ioannis Ieropoulos and his team at the University of Bristol last week published the surprising results of a study demonstrating how urine can be successfully used in microbiological fuel cells. … Read more

In nanomachine towards the future

It's not the first and it won't be the last. Scientists from the University of Groningen (Holland) and the Empa research center (Switzerland) have created a nanometric transport system equipped with four motor units (translation: a “namomachine”). It's electric, four nanometers long and every half turn of the wheels has to fill up... It works thanks to a scanning tunneling microscope positioned above it, which transmits a tiny electric charge that causes reversible structural changes in the wheels (translation: … Read more