Natural Machines is a Spanish startup that is currently working on a 3D printer capable of producing pasta, bread and other types of food starting from liquids and pre-packaged mixtures: it is a formula that could revolutionize the 3D printing market and also a bit' that of gastronomy.
Unlike other 3D printers, the device developed by Natural Machines could 'print' food from 6 different materials (treated a bit as if they were food inks). This can allow birth and the development of much more complex foods: the food printer will also be equipped with a thermal mechanism capable of keeping the material warm during and after processing.
The idea behind it is fascinating: we will be able to program the printer before going to work and find fresh bread, or pasta or other foods directly ready for the table once we return. Buying food will accompanied by that of “ingredients to print”, and a part of our lunch will consist of foods 'assembled' and 'cooked' by devices.
The probable connection with social networks will allow us to exchange ideas, combinations and warnings with our circle of acquaintances: I shudder at the thought that my printer will notify me that it is ready on the table.
The selling price (estimated between €1000 and €1500) would be justified by possibility of quickly and simply producing complex foods with a perfect presentation: we will get used to eating dishes that have the perfection of sculptures, to put it in other words.
That's all for now. While waiting, I unload a plate of linguine allo I'll stop and let you know.
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