The car you drive with your mind works.


A group of German researchers from AutoNOMOS Labs have developed a system that allows you to drive a vehicle simply through the driver's thoughts: this is what is called looking to the future. The first step was to create autonomous vehicles, capable of responding to commands from an iPhone: the development of a control system based on brain waves took longer. It is a computer capable of reading electromagnetic signals coming from… Read more

A bionic leg guided by thought and chasing a record.


Zac Vawter lost a leg in an accident 3 years ago and since then he has been through an ordeal looking for a prosthesis (he calls it a 'fake leg') which for him had satisfactory answers close to those of a real leg. So the thirty-one-year-old software engineer from Washington signed up in 2010 as a volunteer tester in a research program with the aim of creating a thought-guided bionic leg. The Rehabilitation Institute of the Medical Center… Read more

New bionic arm guided by thought: real.


Time passes, technologies and methods improve, and things that recently seemed impossible are surprisingly within reach: this is exactly the case, given the incredible new bionic arm born from the collaboration between the American Universities of Pittsburgh and John Hopkins. This is a notable leap forward: the robotic arm has the ability to accurately sense vibrations, temperatures, contact with objects and degree of pressure: in other words it is equipped with touch and... Read more