Science against Google

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Problems ahead for the most famous and used search engine in the world, as the scientific community has lashed out against the US giant, accusing it of not being neutral in the propagation of search results and of offering only commercial ones in the scale of results, which often they do not rhyme with quality results. There are many problems that Big G has to face these days, from the complaint of abuse of a dominant position by the European Community, ... Read more

The drone eye is copied from insects

eye drones

Mini drones, or drones that have the shape of an insect, are very particular robotic devices, as they manage to enter places inaccessible to humans, photographing what they see and therefore offering a real-time report of the situation. This is a sector in which science is investing a lot, and which is therefore becoming increasingly sophisticated. But how can insect drones see in low light? To give life to… Read more

A device produces clean energy through evaporation


At first glance it may seem like a nice colorful toy, but in reality it is a refined device designed to produce electricity. It is a device developed by researchers at Columbia University, who used very special materials to create an instrument that exploits the humidity present in the air to generate 'clean' electrical energy. The device was made with colored Lego bricks, a sheet of rubber coated with spores, a coil and … Read more

The app against Parkinson's disease is born


Precisely today that Parkinson's disease has taken away Maurice White, founder and leader of Earth, Wind & Fire, we talk about how technology can help those suffering from this pathology. A team of British researchers is in fact experimenting with the use of an app to monitor the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, helping those who suffer from it in many ways. If at the beginning we thought that wearable devices were almost useless or just nice to look at, the introduction of parameter analysis… Read more

Tension in Turkey: Russia deploys its S-400, a fearsome weapon.

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Technical evidence of Third World War: in an interview with Sputnik News (a rather pro-government Russian site), the head of the Turkish Intelligence department Hakki Pekin stigmatized the recent shooting down of the Russian Sukhoi24 bomber by the Turkish air force, calling it a " big mistake." Pekin predicts big problems from now on, and a very tough and well-organized response. “Aside from the cancellation of official visits and probable economic sanctions, Russia is placing its Iskander missile systems in Kaliningrad. And … Read more

A study definitively proves that aging is reversible


A group of French scientists managed to restore the original functions of cells taken from over 1-year-old patients, reprogramming them and returning them to the stem cell stage: this is proof that the aging process can in fact be reversed. The research on the possibility of removing the signs left by cellular aging, published on November 2011, XNUMX in the journal Genes & Development, “opens up a new era of regenerative medicine,” declares Jean Marc Lemaitre, who directed the study at the Institute of … Read more

The future world will have stateless nations

new world

It is a truly complicated period on a geopolitical level: an epochal transition towards the future world that almost imposes the dynamics of social networks even on political entities. What is happening in Syria (and in other neighboring nations) has every appearance of being a transition from a world of "nation states" to a world of "stateless nations". It is not the only indication of a change: other unknown factors that determine citizenship or belonging to a territory are changing. … Read more

Flexible sensors: a revolution. Our life at a glance.


The best medical devices for measuring blood pressure today require a prolonged stay of the patient in the clinic. An experimental sensor can adhere to the skin almost like a tattoo and monitor this parameter in real time 24 hours a day. Why is a wearable sensor a revolution? A flexible and wearable sensor marks the difference between a simple 'photograph' of the patient and a constant path that allows us to perfectly understand what correlations exist between daily activities and the variation... Read more

Chemtrails against global warming? There are those who say yes


Always protagonists in the argumentative repertoire of curious people, independent analysers, scholars, conspiracy theorists and free thinkers, the famous "Chemtrails" could emerge from the literature of counter-information to become part of tangible reality. No longer a borderline theme, therefore, but a conscious human activity. What is it about? The scientific journal PNAS (relaunched instantly by the more widespread Popular Mechanics) published joint studies by American, Scandinavian and Chinese scientists based on scenarios that effectively constitute speculation on the opportunity to do ... Read more

Hyperloop will soon begin its tests


Elon Musk finally made it: his Hyperloop is starting to take its first steps. The first test stretch (about 10 km) in California is under construction. It is located in Quay Valley, between Los Angeles and San Francisco, and will carry 10 million people in its initial phase for the next two and a half years. In the prototype trains, passengers will reach a speed no higher than 260 km per hour in this initial phase, but in some… Read more

CEO of a startup tries out treatments to stop aging


Elizabeth Parrish, the 44-year-old head of BioViva, a biotechnology startup, said she started gene therapy on herself last month in an undisclosed location: the goal is to directly test solutions that will become cures for Alzheimer's and muscle loss. Parrish said in an online interview Sunday that she underwent two forms of gene therapy after contracting with a lab… Read more

Elon Musk has the 'infinite' electric car ready


Tesla Motors' Model S already surpasses every other electric car on the market in terms of autonomy, with its over 400km of range. Yet Elon Musk doesn't stop there. The CEO of Tesla Motors has announced that his company could bring this range beyond 900km by 2017 and in any case no later than the next 4 years, until it reaches the threshold of 1200km with a single battery charge. It's basically like having the ability to travel from... Read more

The gym in a nutshell


Everyone knows that there is no way to get a sculpted physique without exercise: exercising outdoors or in the gym improves health and has excellent effects on metabolism, circulation and brain function. Starting from this now acquired knowledge, scientists have begun to research solutions to develop "physique pills" capable of obtaining in whole or in part the same effects that the gym and training have on the body. Research published in the journal Trends in Pharmacological… Read more

Panono, the photographic sphere that builds panoramas


For years, panoramic photos have been the prerogative of Reflex cameras and a good deal of work to connect different points of view into a coherent image: with Panono things change. This project is developed according to totally different criteria: it is a sphere equipped with 36 microcameras capable of instantly photographing the entire field of vision, creating true "spherical" compositions with an enormous resolution of 72 megapixels. You can throw it just like you would a ball, and do it… Read more

Capturing energy from the wifi and converting it into electricity: a first device made

metamaterial power harvester

Along the road that leads to wireless electricity, or "witricity", there is an important new travel companion: a circuit developed by researchers at Duke University capable of capturing energy from sound and the WiFi signal with an efficiency close to that of solar cells. It is a small device that uses 5 copper and glass fiber conductors connected in a circuit through 5 channels made with a metamaterial. The circuit 'captures' energy from the aforementioned sources converting it into electrical energy... Read more

Nearly one in 5 children under 8 years old use a mobile device every day


Boom in interactions on mobile devices for US children. It is the result of a survey by Common Sense Media, which interviewed a sample of 1500 families with children in that age range. That's currently a third of the number of children reading books every day. It is an important transition phase, not necessarily negative: just consider the data of children under 8 years old engaged in an activity that is often much less interactive: that of watching TV. 58%… Read more

The hummingbird-spy of DARPA


At first glance (and perhaps not too closely) it might seem like a real hummingbird, but it is the new spybot created by DARPA: this flying robot is equipped with a video camera capable of transmitting images remotely. The dimensions are still excessive (but I am very demanding): 16 cm of wingspan and 19 grams of weight. Yes, it's not a Boeing, and No, that's not all. We'll see them fly, guys: and one fine day, we won't even see them... Read more

All about the super job of the future

future work

I often jokingly hear friends say that to get (or keep) a job today you need superpowers (the most sexist and boorish ones in the case of pretty colleagues argue the need for other skills). The future is made up of many things, and an important theme is precisely that of human enhancement, the improvement of physical and mental performance that can arise from the use of new technologies or medical procedures: in this article I want to offer you some ideas to reflect on. … Read more

Chiba, the robot chair that breaks down architectural barriers


Creating a wheelchair capable of overcoming architectural barriers couldn't have been very simple: today a team of engineers from the Chiba Institute of Technology, led by the Associate Professor, succeeded in the feat using a good dose of lateral thinking. A wheelchair? It's difficult to define it this way: when it encounters an obstacle, Chiba transforms its wheels into... legs! It goes without saying: the wheel is a universal and efficient way to allow all people with limited mobility to travel. However, … Read more

To study methods to communicate with patients in a vegetative state

A group of English neuroscientists has discovered that it is possible to establish a two-way 'conversation' with people in a permanent vegetative state, thanks to a device already present everywhere capable of reading their brain activity. Researchers have noticed how some individuals in this state are able to understand what they are told and follow commands to perform certain actions: the project can radically change the way these patients are treated. In the experiment, 16 were asked… Read more

Lumineyes: in 20 seconds the eyes change color (forever).

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Have you always dreamed of having a beautiful pair of blue eyes, but were you born with dark eyes? A Californian doctor has patented and developed a method capable of changing dark eyes to blue (forever) in just 20 seconds. How does Lumineyes work? Dr. Gregg Homer is an optical specialist at the Stroma Medical Institute in California. He has patented and uses a technique called Lumineyes to remove the brown pigment (melanin) from the top layer of the iris using a unique laser. … Read more