All about the super job of the future

future work

I often jokingly hear friends say that to get (or keep) a job today you need superpowers (the most sexist and boorish ones in the case of pretty colleagues argue the need for other skills). The future is made up of many things, and an important theme is precisely that of human enhancement, the improvement of physical and mental performance that can arise from the use of new technologies or medical procedures: in this article I want to offer you some ideas to reflect on. … Read more

Tested a vaccine against synthetic drugs

Methamphetamine EnPolvo

When you hear about “Ice”, “Shaboo” or “Crystal Meth” you know that these are some of the most widespread synthetic drugs in the world, as well as the most dangerous. These are active ingredients all deriving from methamphetamine, a sympathomimetic that literally bombards the brain with dopamine. According to the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, there are as many as 25 million users and dependents on these substances worldwide. A team of scientists… Read more

DARPin E2-79, is the beginning of the end for allergies


How stupid are allergies. Stupids. Our immune system becomes hysterical in reacting to external impulses and does so for no reason: an 'excess defense' which in the most serious cases can even lead to death. The so-called 'vaccines' currently on the market are only desensitizing treatments that actually act on the symptoms, nothing that eliminates the underlying cause once and for all. [highlight]Today a new molecule could succeed in the mission:[/highlight]its name is DARPin E2-79 and it comes… Read more

Tomorrow the Pepsi fat blocker debuts, and I don't feel very well.

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The global diffusion of soft drinks has reached widespread figures: an entire part of the 'Western' world seems to drink more colored concoctions than water. The results are alarming, many research centers on the planet have already brought out the results of different studies, all of which agree in attributing negative effects on the organism. The reason? Carbon dioxide which upsets the stomach. A burst of sugars (about 9 teaspoons per can) or sweeteners (aspartame and acesulfame suspected of being carcinogenic). The dyes. A disaster, in short. And for … Read more

Eyes on me, please


Try to imagine a mechanic with grease-stained hands trying to flip through the pages of a car maintenance guide. Every time you put the wrench down, clean yourself carefully so as not to get dirty, turn the page and start again. The scientists at the Fraunhofer Center for Organics, Materials and Electronic Devices in Dresden (better known as COMEDD) must have experienced this sensation many times, having developed special glasses capable of allowing the wearer to browse ... Read more

Flying salvation: a network of aerial drones for first aid


The statistics released by the WHO tell us that of the millions of cases of fatal cardiac arrest occurring outside of hospital facilities, more than a third could be tackled: the timely arrival of an ambulance, the use of a defibrillator and lots and lots of speed (6 minutes is the window of time needed to save the patient). Many cities around the world do not have the capacity to act in time and lack the necessary organization. This translates into genocide: hundreds of thousands… Read more

Hitachi develops crystal storage media


Chopin and the Beatles teach us that things like good music can last a very long time: from tomorrow they could be preserved forever thanks to more stable and long-lasting memories. From the advent of the information age onwards, the most pressing problem of the industry (and of people) has been to protect an increasingly large amount of data, to save them from the wear and tear of time and their own 'volatility'. Locking paper photos in a safe means guaranteeing them a long life, but closing ... Read more

Memoto, first steps for the digitization of memory

memoto xl

Memoto is not a camera like all the others: you can't control it, it has no button to shoot. It takes automatic photos every 30 seconds from the position in which you place it (it is equipped with a clip to place it on a jacket, on a bike, wherever you want) and creates a sort of shareable "photographic memory" with its own search engine . It is the first step towards the digitalisation of our life experiences. It is unlikely that all the images taken… Read more

Connectomics – Building a map of the mind

There are approximately 100 billion neurons in the brain of an adult human, and each of these neurons is connected to hundreds of others for a total of approximately 150 billion connections in total. Neuroscience is discovering that it is the pattern of these connections, the structure of this immense neural network, that is largely responsible for the functionality of the brain, in other words for our mental life: everything we feel, think, experience or do. Our … Read more

The robotic arm of DARPA ready in 4 years.


When over the last 5 years we reported news on DARPA's robotic arm (if you feel like it, the old site is available), we talked about advanced prototypes: today we can talk, with satisfaction, about clinical tests: it is the future. No later than two weeks ago, American health bodies approved the protocol that will allow volunteers to obtain the implant of a bionic arm: on the front line, once again, soldiers wounded in war. They will be the ones to experiment… Read more

At Christmas make a small gesture: save the world

The future of man is threatened by his own activities: if consumption habits, compulsiveness and illicit activities are not curbed, the near future will be full of unknowns and threats for the entire human species. In the meantime, it is above all animal species that pay the costs. The report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature, an organization that monitors the environment and suggests proactive solutions to guarantee its defense, is very recent: 25% of all mammals ... Read more

Because politics will do without politicians.

In difficult times like these, popular demands persist: in the last 3 and a half years the only positive developments for our country have come from referendums. To the ever greater surprise of politicians and scholars of social flows, political protest movements are organizing themselves and are preparing to be, thanks to the Internet, increasingly structured and 'intelligent'. A typical and important phenomenon in the structure of increasingly present popular movements (from peaceful protest ones to 'revolutionary' ones... Read more

Blood nanorobot to treat infections and tumors


This is the case of "nanobots" or microscopic machines (about 50 nanometers in size) that science fiction had imagined in the Star Trek series and which, injected into a patient's circulation, went there to rebuild damaged tissues, eliminate pathogens such as viruses and resistant bacteria or even eradicate a cancer. Unfortunately, the economic factor often stops the ideas and drive towards innovation of motivated researchers: no one puts in the money and the research remains on paper. … Read more

Today is World Toilet Day: the future is also to have more hygiene.


Dirty, smelly and not recommended for hygiene, but they do their job: these are our sewers. Although it may present serious structural problems (often all sorts of problems arise from their congestion, in conjunction with rains and overflows), our Network is an achievement of civilization from which not everyone in the world can benefit. Take developing countries: the absence of any system for disposing of our biological waste causes the death of hundreds of people every year... Read more

Jobs of the near future: 26 jobs of tomorrow

Future Of Work i1140

In the days that mark the fall of the Berlusconi government and the Italian economic crisis (remember? we predicted it on the old site) I am as disheartened as all of you. The moment is difficult: we can only get out of it if all levels of our country change by looking to the future more than to the past. Some jobs will still survive in the future, let's be clear: but there is a whole series of jobs that don't exist today and which could be useful in the near future. Let's go with common sense: 60%... Read more

Synthetic organ made 'from scratch' with stem cells.

pituitary gland

If you are still not convinced that stem cells are the future of medicine, listen here: a group of Japanese researchers used stem cells to synthesize a new, fully functional organ in the laboratory, starting from SCRATCH. This is the research team at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, which took mouse stem cells and transformed them into a perfectly functioning pituitary gland: the pituitary gland, otherwise called the pituitary gland, is a small organ... Read more

Preserving the brain to live again in digital form: plastination.

Death is the end of everything. Our brain, which has functioned well for many decades, at the moment of our departure from the world, in the space of just twenty minutes undergoes anoxia and neurons and synapses fall apart. No machine, after such damage, will be able to revive us; it will be able to reactivate cardiac functions and circulation but our brain will be gone forever. And to say that the brain has "gone" for philosophy... Read more

Repairing the damage of time will 'cure' you from old age

Day after day this ambitious goal is starting to become reality thanks to the progress of biomedical research. For several years, researchers have believed that the cells most damaged by aging, called "senescent", damage the surrounding tissue causing many of the pathologies characteristic of old age. These cells, which have stopped dividing due to the ravages of time, continue to secrete large quantities of molecules, many of which are toxic, in the surrounding environment. In a study recently published in the prestigious journal Nature, scientists from "Mayo ... Read more

S100A10, has Cancer found its killer?


As we all know, there is a phase in the development of this pathology that makes its course deadly: when tumor cells multiply and spread to other organs, creating metastases, it is almost impossible to face and win the battle for the survival of a patient. Waisman's recent studies have identified in this process the direct responsibilities of a protein, S100A10, present on the surface of macrophages, the cells responsible for the body's immune defense. The action of… Read more