Brain fusing with AI will be like doing plastic surgery for intelligence

brain computer

Electrodes that enhance the brain will soon be like "plastic surgery of intelligence" and will allow us to obtain cybernetic powers: in fact we will be cyborgs, scientists will implant artificial intelligence directly into our heads. Today, electrodes that deliver impulses to the brain are able to stabilize patients with seizures: the results are surprisingly promising. Soon the brain-computer interface will allow radical treatments even for psychological disorders such as depression. Raising the mind Kelly and Zach Weinersmith, couple at work and in life… Read more

Muse, take a look at your brain


There are several wearable devices already designed to monitor our vital parameters, from heartbeat to sleep patterns: a group of inventors is bringing to the market a user-friendly and wearable approach to brain wave monitoring. InteraXon is a Canadian company that is working hard to introduce a band called Muse, to be worn on the forehead, which uses 4 EEG (Electro Encephalogram) sensors capable of showing the traces of the brain. In the initial release… Read more

Preserving the brain to live again in digital form: plastination.

Death is the end of everything. Our brain, which has functioned well for many decades, at the moment of our departure from the world, in the space of just twenty minutes undergoes anoxia and neurons and synapses fall apart. No machine, after such damage, will be able to revive us; it will be able to reactivate cardiac functions and circulation but our brain will be gone forever. And to say that the brain has "gone" for philosophy... Read more