The sun against smoking

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Smokers, you are warned: exposing yourself to the sun's rays is especially good for you, given that the action of the sun, as has just been demonstrated, mitigates the damage caused by cigarette smoking. The news was revealed by a Swedish study just published in the Journal of Internal Medicine, a study conducted on 30 thousand women. “The study which began in 1990 involved Swedish women aged between 25 and 64 – stated Girolomoni, Director of Dermatology of Verona and president of the… Read more

The new anticancer drug that destroys metastases

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Cancer is no longer as scary as it used to be, because many people recover from this disease and also because research is making giant strides, including Italian research, to try to defeat the pathology with new technologies. In recent news, for example, a new drug composed of nanoparticles capable of directly penetrating the metastases caused by breast cancer in organs such as the lungs and liver has been developed, destroying them completely. For now, the new… Read more

Research uncovers the weakness of cancer


Are we facing an epochal turning point? Researchers, in fact, may have discovered the weak point of cancer, even at the terminal stage. A team of researchers from University College London, in fact, managed to identify a strategy, supported by funding from Cancer Research UK and the Rosetrees Trust. The research, published in Science, explains how the genetic complexity of tumors can be recognized and exploited by the immune system. When a cancer develops in the human body, in fact, the diversity of its genetic defects can be ... Read more