The competitive advantage of having an app for your business

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A mobile app is a very valuable asset for the company. It helps users access a single interaction environment and therefore receive data associated with customer loyalty and increased sales. Customer loyalty or attracting new ones, increasing revenues, generating a brand… These are just some of the advantages of having an app. But the reality is that if you offer a valuable app, it can give you a competitive advantage over your competitors. The first step is… Read more

An increasingly tech gaming: new technologies to support the game


Artificial intelligence, graphics, sound effects, augmented reality. There are many innovations being experimented in the world of entertainment. Let's try to look at them more closely. The future of gaming is increasingly similar to a science fiction film. New devices, new instruments which consequently open up previously unexplored possibilities and futuristic experiences. This is the secret of a continuously developing and growing sector of our economy. So let's try to understand what the technological innovations will be that will drive the... Read more