Month: June 2019

Deepfake and AI more and more stunning

As you watch the video (it lasts a few seconds) ask yourself questions like me about the future of this technology. Because this technology, believe me, deserves all our questions.

Future work, the ideal dose will be 8 hours per week

The study published in the journal Social Science and Medicine shows that when someone goes from unemployment to a paid job of 8 hours or less per week, their risk of mental problems is reduced by at least 30%: instead there is no evidence that a longer schedule provides greater mental well-being.

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Glucose-powered artificial muscles such as humans

The artificial muscles developed by the Linköping University team are made of polymeric material into which enzymes have been introduced: a solution of oxygen and glucose in water powers the actuators, just as happens in human muscles.


Monit, and even the diaper becomes smart

Monit has created a sensor as big as a biscuit and equipped with bluetooth: the sensor detects the presence of pee or popo in the diaper and warns the parentado that he will be happy to do his best without having to sniff the nice pack first.