Park assist? It was already there in the 20s

Today some cars (few, to be honest) offer the possibility of parking parallel to the pavement by pressing a simple button. And they also cost a fortune, let's face it without pretense. The idea of ​​park assist had also come from our grandparents' parents, and going back to the 30s I found truly picturesque proof of it. An unfortunately unidentified Californian inventor from the 30s has come up with a very respectable solution for parking anywhere with extreme ease. … Read more

Shigeru Ban proposes a temporary Notre-Dame

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Only a few hours had passed since the terrible accident last June which devastated the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris. Against a backdrop of still-smoking rubble, French President Emanuel Macron launched a call for the world's best talent to provide ideas on reconstruction. Just a few days later the Japanese architect and designer Shigeru Ban presented his proposal for a temporary structure in front of the cathedral to welcome tourists, faithful and religious events. In the intentions of the starchitect (to be clear, even if I hate ... Read more

Retrieve the suitcase with 2.0 systems

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How many times does it happen that a #suitcase gets lost at the #airport, ends up in the wrong destination or is delivered to others? Very often. However, lost baggage not only ruins the holidays of the person concerned, but is also a huge cost to the budget of air transport companies. In 2015, lost, damaged or late-delivered bags cost airlines $2,3 billion. “Although there was a reduction of 3,75 percent compared to 2014 it is… Read more

Climate project: Carrefour awards 7 companies


Carrefour has started to look around among its suppliers (651) to identify the "greenest" companies that are ahead in adopting environmental sustainability policies. The company asked participants to present their projects, then evaluating them with the consultancy of Fedabo, a leading company in the sector, evaluating their innovative scope and producing a ranking: 7 virtuous companies, each for a reason. For Carrefour's sales and marketing director, Grégoire Kaufman, the process was natural: since 2011… Read more

You move on to artificial blood

Artificial blood could soon become a reality thanks to the first successful human transfusion. Dr. Luc Douay of the Parisian University 'Pierre et Marie Curie' extracted stem cells from bone marrow and 'encouraged' them to grow and transform into blood cells by administering a cocktail of growth factors: finally he injected 10 billion of these cells (the equivalent of 2 milliliters) in the donor's spinal cord. After 5 days 94% of the cells were still alive and… Read more