Technology and video games: how the world of gaming entertainment is evolving

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Those who experienced the birth of the first video games and the first consoles can today talk about a world completely different from the one the new generations are used to: very basic graphics, simple plots and characters, which however have made some titles true icons of an entire era. However, times change and with technological evolution the way of having fun also changes: let's see what trends are characterizing the videogame sector in recent months. Games … Read more

The evolution of videogames, from the first consoles to today

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New technologies are increasingly revolutionizing numerous sectors that concern our daily lives. In many cases we are dealing with technological innovations, which often project us towards an increasingly engaging and participation-based future. We are not just talking about the realities that concern the world of work or education, which are in any case going through numerous changes linked to the development of technological innovation. We are also referring to the world of digital entertainment, which is increasingly capable of… Read more