No more smartphone incidents


#Walking down the street staring at the display of your #smartphone, with your eyes pointed downwards, is extremely dangerous, yet more and more people do it. And there is no shortage of accidents, even fatal ones, in Italy either. Whether it is to send a message on WhatsApp, to interact with Facebook friends or to look for creatures to catch, we pay less and less attention to where we put our feet. The designer Büro North thought about solving the problem, with an idea that could save pedestrians' lives... Read more

The story of the robot that escaped from the laboratory


It happened in Russia: a rather intelligent robot escaped from the laboratory where it was under construction and blocked traffic for quite a while. Maybe this wasn't his intention, but the level of intelligence and autonomy achieved by these new robots is incredible. The robot learning to orient itself autonomously, test after test. Suddenly the door was left open and, just like a Roomba, our little robot came out until it reached the street. The escape took place… Read more

Smart contact lenses are coming

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The future in which we all have a technological implant in our eyes, which will allow us to send messages and take photos, is not that far away. In fact, today we are talking about nothing other than the new Sony patent, which is based on a sensor that is activated by measuring the pressure of the eyelid and which allows you to take photos thanks to intelligent contact lenses. And thanks to the movement of the eye it will also be possible to adjust the lens aperture and zoom. To check the image quality… Read more

RealView 3D, interactive holograms, light takes shape


Here is one of those things that make us understand how many degrees of separation there can be between science fiction and reality. Some fields of knowledge are still in a phase of pure speculation, others in the advanced research phase, still others are about to take flight in the form of technologies offered to the masses. This is the case of holographic displays, which have long been on the notebooks of science fiction writers and successful directors (who doesn't remember Star Wars?). RealView 3D… Read more

Ara: Motorola tears the cell phone to pieces.

motorola ara

An interesting modular smartphone concept, Motorola's Ara project could sooner or later find application in reality. Ultimately it answers a pertinent question: "what if instead of purchasing 4 distinct types of devices (phone, tablet, phablet, watch) you could 'assemble' a phone using only the parts you need each time? It's an innovative but sensible vision, which could revolutionize the entire smartphone market: the tendency to renew an 'obsolete' mobile phone every year or two would be replaced... Read more

3 cities to launch new projects: password? #wcap 2013

This year too working capital 2013 will support innovative companies by developing a path to encourage meetings between startups, investors and communities. The choice is strategic and "geosmart": the secret of success lies in a large 'backbone' made up of 3 cities (Milan, Rome, Catania) which will host spaces in which the mentors will be able to support the ideas of the competing teams. For inspiration and emulation it is possible to take a look at the winning projects of the past editions, consulting the repository developed in collaboration with the Kauffman Society: a platform that … Read more

Reclog, Sicilian startup that captures emotions


Only yesterday we told you about Working Capital, TIM's great initiative to reward and support the most talented Italian startups. We thought we would clarify your ideas with some examples of good ideas turned into reality thanks to this logistical, consultancy and economic support structure. In particular, are we talking about one concrete case above all? Ladies and gentlemen, meet Reclog! It is a startup born two years ago in Sicily that promises really well: it is a sort of "social ... Read more

#WeLikeMusic, or 'how sonic passion became social'

we like

  We have seen a lot of it in the last 15 years: the Internet has gradually increased its reach, overwhelming many aspects of entertainment, from films to video games, through conversations and music. At first the major record industry tried to oppose its resistance based on the (albeit legitimate) protection of copyright and 'canonical' distribution systems; then the Napster cyclone (followed by P2Ps, led by Emule, Torrents and other systems based on sharing... Read more

The world in slow motion


Do you remember The Matrix, the Wachowski brothers' trilogy? The good hero, Neo played by Keanu Reeves, was able to dodge bullets by 'slowing down' the scene with his powers of telekinesis-or-whatever, performing daring evolutions to the delight of the effects creators specials and the public. Today an inventor has created a helmet that simulates this type of 'slowed down' perception, without the need to smoke the impossible. The Decelerator Helmet, created by the German Lorenz Potthast, allows the wearer to… Read more

The Twitter suit displays messages in real time

twitter dress

Wearable technology has already made its appearance in the sports sector (now bracelets and chest bands for monitoring data and performance are countless) and is now preparing to land in the world of high fashion: the model and pop singer Nicole Scherzinger a few days ago he wore a dress connected to Twitter and capable of showing his message stream in real time. A crazy rudeness according to myself: yet in her way worthy of note... Read more

Christmas gives us two certainties. Adopt the second.


  The future gives us, in relation to the theme of 'Christmas holidays', at least two positive certainties. The first certainty: barring major upheavals in the short term, Christmas will be celebrated as always for many years to come. Among the social changes observable by going backwards along the time line, those relating to "ritual" celebrations are the hardest to change: they often change the origin (for example a celebration born for religious reasons will be converted into a 'pagan' celebration or vice versa ) but the… Read more

Eyes on me, please


Try to imagine a mechanic with grease-stained hands trying to flip through the pages of a car maintenance guide. Every time you put the wrench down, clean yourself carefully so as not to get dirty, turn the page and start again. The scientists at the Fraunhofer Center for Organics, Materials and Electronic Devices in Dresden (better known as COMEDD) must have experienced this sensation many times, having developed special glasses capable of allowing the wearer to browse ... Read more

At Christmas make a small gesture: save the world

The future of man is threatened by his own activities: if consumption habits, compulsiveness and illicit activities are not curbed, the near future will be full of unknowns and threats for the entire human species. In the meantime, it is above all animal species that pay the costs. The report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature, an organization that monitors the environment and suggests proactive solutions to guarantee its defense, is very recent: 25% of all mammals ... Read more

Today is World Toilet Day: the future is also to have more hygiene.


Dirty, smelly and not recommended for hygiene, but they do their job: these are our sewers. Although it may present serious structural problems (often all sorts of problems arise from their congestion, in conjunction with rains and overflows), our Network is an achievement of civilization from which not everyone in the world can benefit. Take developing countries: the absence of any system for disposing of our biological waste causes the death of hundreds of people every year... Read more

Bang & Olufsen hits Encore


(sponsored article) Multipurpose environments and intelligent spaces await us in the near future to pamper us and meet the needs of a presumably more stressed population: the 'show down' will travel in the opposite direction to disorder: it seems classic but one can expect rooms increasingly essential, elegant, capable of calming the soul and transmitting serenity and harmony. Speaking of harmony: what will happen to music? A factor that has been important to humans for thousands of years will not be overlooked tomorrow either: ... Read more