#To walk on the street staring at the display #smartphone, with his eyes down, is very dangerous, yet more and more people do it. And accidents, even fatal, are not lacking in Italy either. Whether it's to send a message on WhatsApp, to interact with Facebook friends or to search for creatures to be captured, we pay less and less attention to where we put our feet.
The designer Büro North thought about solving the problem, with an idea that could save the lives of pedestrians who just can't give up their smartphone. His invention is called Smart Tactile Paving System and is in fact a series of LEDs positioned on the ground near traffic lights and intersections. The lights light up with different colors depending on whether you can continue and cross or whether you need to stop. An economical solution, capable of attracting the attention of even the most distracted pedestrians, who always have their heads bowed towards the phone.
The system works just like a traffic light: with the green light you can pass, with the red light you have to stop. But until this system – or others – is installed, it will be best to be careful and maybe put your cell phone in your pocket!