Christmas in times of crisis: technology and convenience

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The crisis is raging in Europe, and 'intelligent' purchases are gradually becoming prudent: even during the Christmas holidays, gifts will be given in the name of the best possible relationship between quality and price. It is not easy to navigate the thousands of offers that populate the shops and the internet: some good price comparison services can help us, and in this short note I want to talk to you about It is a relatively new site on the scene, however founded by a group with ... Read more

Holland drops 5 axles for the motorway of the future

electric priority lane

We often tend to think of innovations in the field of road safety as solutions limited to cars, but a team of Dutch designers makes us understand how the road itself can also play an active role. This gave rise to a series of interesting studies to make driving safer. The Glowing Lines concept takes inspiration from the lines of reflectors that can be found here and there on European motorways, but replaces the latter with a special luminescent paint in … Read more

Chiba, the robot chair that breaks down architectural barriers


Creating a wheelchair capable of overcoming architectural barriers couldn't have been very simple: today a team of engineers from the Chiba Institute of Technology, led by the Associate Professor, succeeded in the feat using a good dose of lateral thinking. A wheelchair? It's difficult to define it this way: when it encounters an obstacle, Chiba transforms its wheels into... legs! It goes without saying: the wheel is a universal and efficient way to allow all people with limited mobility to travel. However, … Read more

Connectomics – Building a map of the mind

There are approximately 100 billion neurons in the brain of an adult human, and each of these neurons is connected to hundreds of others for a total of approximately 150 billion connections in total. Neuroscience is discovering that it is the pattern of these connections, the structure of this immense neural network, that is largely responsible for the functionality of the brain, in other words for our mental life: everything we feel, think, experience or do. Our … Read more

Is it necessary for engineers to also know how to write?

The user writes in a comment on an engineer's blog: Do (electronic) engineers also have to be able to write well in Italian or is it enough that they know how to 'do arithmetic'? Let's start from a comment left on a blog article, with rather harsh and reproachful tones for all the young engineers who, according to the author, would not make appropriate use of the Italian language. Inevitably, a real discussion broke out regarding the skills of those who, as a profession, design and... Read more

Smart steering wheel controls vital signs while driving

We have already said a lot about devices that check if you are too drunk to drive, but today a group of German researchers want to take this concept a little further: their 'intelligent steering' constantly monitors the driver's vital functions and changes behavior of the vehicle in their operation. Developed by the Munich Technical University in collaboration with BMW, this steering is equipped with numerous sensors capable of measuring heart rate, oxygenation levels and blood pressure: if … Read more

The robotic arm of DARPA ready in 4 years.


When over the last 5 years we reported news on DARPA's robotic arm (if you feel like it, the old site is available), we talked about advanced prototypes: today we can talk, with satisfaction, about clinical tests: it is the future. No later than two weeks ago, American health bodies approved the protocol that will allow volunteers to obtain the implant of a bionic arm: on the front line, once again, soldiers wounded in war. They will be the ones to experiment… Read more

Urine produces electricity: in 36 years I have squandered a fortune.


And I'm only counting humans: until yesterday it was considered an unpleasant waste product (except for diehard lovers of the drink). Today a team of English scientists has discovered a possible and very useful application that would help transform urine into electricity. Dr Ioannis Ieropoulos and his team at the University of Bristol last week published the surprising results of a study demonstrating how urine can be successfully used in microbiological fuel cells. … Read more

In nanomachine towards the future

It's not the first and it won't be the last. Scientists from the University of Groningen (Holland) and the Empa research center (Switzerland) have created a nanometric transport system equipped with four motor units (translation: a “namomachine”). It's electric, four nanometers long and every half turn of the wheels has to fill up... It works thanks to a scanning tunneling microscope positioned above it, which transmits a tiny electric charge that causes reversible structural changes in the wheels (translation: … Read more

Jobs of the near future: 26 jobs of tomorrow

Future Of Work i1140

In the days that mark the fall of the Berlusconi government and the Italian economic crisis (remember? we predicted it on the old site) I am as disheartened as all of you. The moment is difficult: we can only get out of it if all levels of our country change by looking to the future more than to the past. Some jobs will still survive in the future, let's be clear: but there is a whole series of jobs that don't exist today and which could be useful in the near future. Let's go with common sense: 60%... Read more

Preserving the brain to live again in digital form: plastination.

Death is the end of everything. Our brain, which has functioned well for many decades, at the moment of our departure from the world, in the space of just twenty minutes undergoes anoxia and neurons and synapses fall apart. No machine, after such damage, will be able to revive us; it will be able to reactivate cardiac functions and circulation but our brain will be gone forever. And to say that the brain has "gone" for philosophy... Read more

40-year-old tomorrow with zero libido: the fault of internet porn


New 20-year-olds have more and more problems in the bedroom (when they have sex): they are literally addicted to sex on the web, at least according to a study published in Psychology Today. The problem, especially in the future, is much more serious than it seems: it is a mass psychological problem capable of causing the next generation to lose their libido up to 30 years earlier than expected. How is it possible? According to the report, overexposure to explicit sexual images and videos… Read more

Speed ​​Cameras? A joke: CORDON arrives

Your glory days are gone: you will no longer be able to happily roam the highway in defiance of the miserable speed cameras on duty: an American company, Peak Gayn Sistems, has developed a special photographic radar capable of viewing and identifying up to 32 vehicles different in a single shot, analyzing up to 4 motorway lanes and recording license plate numbers and cruising speed of each vehicle. That's not enough: the CORDON (this is the name of the system) is capable of... Read more

Will it be the cold fusion weekend (Italian)?

While the Bel Paese struggles with economic reforms and new political pressures, yesterday the first independent test took place on a new energy technology called E-Cat: it is a system that uses low-energy nuclear reactions to produce enormous quantities of cheap and clean energy. If it works, it will be a complete revolution for our society: as Mina said "..and I underline SE". Over the past 2 years, the E-Cat concept and prototypes have been… Read more

Independent study confirms: Earth is burning.

The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature study just released a comprehensive global warming analysis report, showing “considerable evidence of a significant increase, more than a degree since the 50s.” These are the first results that clearly show evidence that even skeptics will be forced to accept. Why is the Berkeley Earth Project different from previous global warming studies? First: it is independent. No state sponsorship, no hidden piloting, no political pressure. Second: it is non-profit, it only exists... Read more

Holodesk, the hologram counter is served.

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Microsoft's Holodesk project is starting to provide the first prototypes and the first stimuli: the possibility of manipulating '3D' objects in physical space seems really interesting. The system combines a Kinect sensor (yes, the kind that is currently used 'for fun') and a special screen to create a three-dimensional environment in which it is possible to intervene directly. The concept is more than simple: a projector sends an image into the work area, which is observed through a transparent 'partition'... Read more

There's no need to be comfortable: the crisis is also hitting the sofa. Natuzzi's complaint.

Pushed globalization has not been interpreted in the best way: many analysts expected the world to become smaller, and instead we only discovered it to be worse. There is a lack of rules that allow true freedom of exchange, because the total absence of economic constraints has leveled the prices of goods that require human labor downwards: their decline has corresponded to the lowering of workers' income and purchasing power. And the quality of the products? Worsened, with the use of… Read more

IBM declares war on antibiotic resistant bacteria


IBM and the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore have designed a new type of polymer capable of identifying and destroying antibiotic-resistant bacteria and preventing their evolution. The most interesting feature of this nanostructure is that it is biodegradable and does not accumulate in tissues: it can be easily eliminated from the body, unlike previous polymer-based solutions. The material, used as a real 'invisible missile', destroys the cell membranes of bacteria: it has a ... Read more