You move on to artificial blood

Artificial blood could soon become a reality thanks to the first successful human transfusion. Dr. Luc Douay of the Parisian University 'Pierre et Marie Curie' extracted stem cells from bone marrow and 'encouraged' them to grow and transform into blood cells by administering a cocktail of growth factors: finally he injected 10 billion of these cells (the equivalent of 2 milliliters) in the donor's spinal cord. After 5 days 94% of the cells were still alive and… Read more

To study methods to communicate with patients in a vegetative state

A group of English neuroscientists has discovered that it is possible to establish a two-way 'conversation' with people in a permanent vegetative state, thanks to a device already present everywhere capable of reading their brain activity. Researchers have noticed how some individuals in this state are able to understand what they are told and follow commands to perform certain actions: the project can radically change the way these patients are treated. In the experiment, 16 were asked… Read more

Extraterrestrial life: the radio bubble hypothesis

where are they

The question was referring to the fact that it seemed strange to him that we were not receiving any extraterrestrial transmissions from space. If it is true that there are millions of planets similar to ours out there and if at least a small percentage of them have developed intelligent life, why don't we receive any radio transmissions? This inconsistency was later called the “Fermi Paradox”. It is clear that if intelligent life develops on a remote planet, once technological development has been reached, it will necessarily have to... Read more

At Christmas make a small gesture: save the world

The future of man is threatened by his own activities: if consumption habits, compulsiveness and illicit activities are not curbed, the near future will be full of unknowns and threats for the entire human species. In the meantime, it is above all animal species that pay the costs. The report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature, an organization that monitors the environment and suggests proactive solutions to guarantee its defense, is very recent: 25% of all mammals ... Read more

Because politics will do without politicians.

In difficult times like these, popular demands persist: in the last 3 and a half years the only positive developments for our country have come from referendums. To the ever greater surprise of politicians and scholars of social flows, political protest movements are organizing themselves and are preparing to be, thanks to the Internet, increasingly structured and 'intelligent'. A typical and important phenomenon in the structure of increasingly present popular movements (from peaceful protest ones to 'revolutionary' ones... Read more

Blood nanorobot to treat infections and tumors


This is the case of "nanobots" or microscopic machines (about 50 nanometers in size) that science fiction had imagined in the Star Trek series and which, injected into a patient's circulation, went there to rebuild damaged tissues, eliminate pathogens such as viruses and resistant bacteria or even eradicate a cancer. Unfortunately, the economic factor often stops the ideas and drive towards innovation of motivated researchers: no one puts in the money and the research remains on paper. … Read more

In nanomachine towards the future

It's not the first and it won't be the last. Scientists from the University of Groningen (Holland) and the Empa research center (Switzerland) have created a nanometric transport system equipped with four motor units (translation: a “namomachine”). It's electric, four nanometers long and every half turn of the wheels has to fill up... It works thanks to a scanning tunneling microscope positioned above it, which transmits a tiny electric charge that causes reversible structural changes in the wheels (translation: … Read more

Jobs of the near future: 26 jobs of tomorrow

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In the days that mark the fall of the Berlusconi government and the Italian economic crisis (remember? we predicted it on the old site) I am as disheartened as all of you. The moment is difficult: we can only get out of it if all levels of our country change by looking to the future more than to the past. Some jobs will still survive in the future, let's be clear: but there is a whole series of jobs that don't exist today and which could be useful in the near future. Let's go with common sense: 60%... Read more

Preserving the brain to live again in digital form: plastination.

Death is the end of everything. Our brain, which has functioned well for many decades, at the moment of our departure from the world, in the space of just twenty minutes undergoes anoxia and neurons and synapses fall apart. No machine, after such damage, will be able to revive us; it will be able to reactivate cardiac functions and circulation but our brain will be gone forever. And to say that the brain has "gone" for philosophy... Read more

Speed ​​Cameras? A joke: CORDON arrives

Your glory days are gone: you will no longer be able to happily roam the highway in defiance of the miserable speed cameras on duty: an American company, Peak Gayn Sistems, has developed a special photographic radar capable of viewing and identifying up to 32 vehicles different in a single shot, analyzing up to 4 motorway lanes and recording license plate numbers and cruising speed of each vehicle. That's not enough: the CORDON (this is the name of the system) is capable of... Read more

Here are the corporations that control the world

global control

The idea that the few rule over the many is not new: a team of Swiss mathematicians has given a precise face and name to this 'master group' of corporations which, alone, controls 80% of the world economy. Global dominance theory? Study, not conspiracy The group from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (composed among others by Stefania Vitali and Stefano Battiston) used an analysis method often used to measure connections between websites: the ... Read more

2012, the year of redemption for blogs: Enel has its prize ready.

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The long wave of social networks has passed: this precious communication tool has been adopted en masse by surfers all over the world, but the massive use of social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook has not swept away an 'old' form of expression on the web, which is indeed always left for dead but always remains afloat: gentlemen, the blog is not dead but lives and fights together with us. The flow of continuous updates that we can refer to over time… Read more

5×1000 to the WWF: give a gift to the future.

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Our planet needs a small overhaul: with an economy increasingly in crisis and an epochal transition from an energy system based on fossil fuels to another (hopefully ever closer) that focuses entirely on renewables, our presence activity is increasingly important to guarantee new generations greater freedom, greater variety of species and less pollution. We can do a lot: an important principle that will be able to keep our ecosystem standing is to... Read more

There's no need to be comfortable: the crisis is also hitting the sofa. Natuzzi's complaint.

Pushed globalization has not been interpreted in the best way: many analysts expected the world to become smaller, and instead we only discovered it to be worse. There is a lack of rules that allow true freedom of exchange, because the total absence of economic constraints has leveled the prices of goods that require human labor downwards: their decline has corresponded to the lowering of workers' income and purchasing power. And the quality of the products? Worsened, with the use of… Read more

Oxfam changes Christmas: finally.

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The Christmas holidays are coming and as always the world is divided: I'm not talking about wars and physical or ideological conflicts, I'm referring to the division between those who spend this period looking for more time to spend with their loved ones, and those who take the opportunity to do shopping and grabbing any object, once again, seamlessly. What do we really need? Time passes quickly: a century ago Christmas was completely different (even Santa Claus, ... Read more

The Idea

As always, this site will contain thoughts, interviews and medium and long-term forecasts from scientists, professionals and ordinary people. Everything will have a single denominator: the Future. What will it be like on a political, scientific, medical, social and technological level? Futuroprossimo is the Italian futurology resource, now open to the collaboration of all free minds and all visions of perspective: read it, write it, create it too.