Larry Page dreams of flying cars

larry page

Larry Page, co-founder of Google, is betting everything on flying cars. Page has in fact invested over 100 million dollars in Zee.Aero, a Californian startup that has designed a flying car. Page has been involved in the project since 2010, but the news only leaked today. The purpose is declared: to build flying cars for personal use. A flying car was already being designed almost 100 years ago, but, needless to say, these were failed attempts. Today, however, there are more suitable materials and more advanced technologies: for example, the use… Read more

Flying salvation: a network of aerial drones for first aid


The statistics released by the WHO tell us that of the millions of cases of fatal cardiac arrest occurring outside of hospital facilities, more than a third could be tackled: the timely arrival of an ambulance, the use of a defibrillator and lots and lots of speed (6 minutes is the window of time needed to save the patient). Many cities around the world do not have the capacity to act in time and lack the necessary organization. This translates into genocide: hundreds of thousands… Read more