Because the future will be bright beyond all expectations

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Humanity is moving very quickly towards a rosy future. A perfect world, even if perfection will never be fully achieved. Does this seem like an unreasonable prediction to you? Think that the alternative is self-destruction. Tertium non datur, and the dystopias of the various films are unlikely. One of the best films seen in recent years was Interstellar, but as much as I loved it, it has a weak point: it is set in a future that is not at all rosy. A dystopian nightmare in which storms… Read more

The largest giant black hole in the sun

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In science fiction films there is never a lack of a black hole, a singularity, something that can resolve the plot perhaps by making our heroes go back in time. But black holes really exist, and just yesterday one of gigantic, frightening dimensions was discovered: 17 billion times the size of our Sun. The discovery was made by Chung-Pei Ma, of the University of California-Berkeley, astronomer and head of the Survey study that examines galaxies and supermassive black holes… Read more