A study definitively proves that aging is reversible


A group of French scientists managed to restore the original functions of cells taken from over 1-year-old patients, reprogramming them and returning them to the stem cell stage: this is proof that the aging process can in fact be reversed. The research on the possibility of removing the signs left by cellular aging, published on November 2011, XNUMX in the journal Genes & Development, “opens up a new era of regenerative medicine,” declares Jean Marc Lemaitre, who directed the study at the Institute of … Read more

Synthetic hamburger: 5 years for sale

synthetic hamburgers

In 2013, research by Prof. Mark Post at Maastricht University in the Netherlands led to the development of a synthetic hamburger that takes 8 to 9 weeks to grow in the laboratory. With the same technologies as two years ago and more resources, even a million products can be created, and maintain a pace worthy of a fast food chain. This is meat "grown" in the laboratory starting from stem cells: the commercial prospect is incredible, because a product... Read more

All about the super job of the future

future work

I often jokingly hear friends say that to get (or keep) a job today you need superpowers (the most sexist and boorish ones in the case of pretty colleagues argue the need for other skills). The future is made up of many things, and an important theme is precisely that of human enhancement, the improvement of physical and mental performance that can arise from the use of new technologies or medical procedures: in this article I want to offer you some ideas to reflect on. … Read more

You move on to artificial blood

Artificial blood could soon become a reality thanks to the first successful human transfusion. Dr. Luc Douay of the Parisian University 'Pierre et Marie Curie' extracted stem cells from bone marrow and 'encouraged' them to grow and transform into blood cells by administering a cocktail of growth factors: finally he injected 10 billion of these cells (the equivalent of 2 milliliters) in the donor's spinal cord. After 5 days 94% of the cells were still alive and… Read more

Jobs of the near future: 26 jobs of tomorrow

Future Of Work i1140

In the days that mark the fall of the Berlusconi government and the Italian economic crisis (remember? we predicted it on the old site) I am as disheartened as all of you. The moment is difficult: we can only get out of it if all levels of our country change by looking to the future more than to the past. Some jobs will still survive in the future, let's be clear: but there is a whole series of jobs that don't exist today and which could be useful in the near future. Let's go with common sense: 60%... Read more