Adidas Loop, infinite shoe with a returnable vacuum

Adidas has revealed to the world Loop, its 100% recyclable shoe, an "infinite" shoe that, once discarded, can be disassembled and completely put back into circulation. A shoe that literally lasts a lifetime (and beyond). The name is eloquent: Loop. An infinite circle, which gives a good idea. It was created by a special division of Adidas, FutureCraft, which is responsible for totally innovating the German giant's footwear. Over the years, FutureCraft has introduced printed customizations… Read more

Adaptive clothes to regulate body temperature


The most efficient way to stay warm is to increase or reduce insulating factors. Putting on or taking off a garment (when we say "dressing in layers") serves to create cavities that retain heat without dispersing it. Research on "smart textiles" continues in a very encouraging way: a small research team has developed adaptive clothes, textile materials that could drastically change the way we dress. The idea of ​​adaptive clothing is to develop a material capable of… Read more

Facebook and the DIY connection

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Facebook takes a step forward and becomes a telecommunications operator. In fact, through his account, it was the founder himself, Mark Zuckerberg, who presented Open Cellular. What is Open Cellular? It is an open DIY wi-fi connection that facilitates the creation of a network to connect in countries that cannot afford it. Zuckerberg's commitment to this topic has always been known to everyone. Mark explained that the system is the size of a shoe box and is… Read more

Here is the shoe that recharges the smartphone

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The future is already here. If it is true that the latest generation smartphones require more and more energy and longer charging cycles, it is also true that science and technology are making giant strides in seeking new alternative sources of energy. An example are these shoes that allow you to recharge your smartphone while walking. It's called Vibram Hero, and it's a shoe that allows, through a special technological innovation, to accumulate electrical energy every time its sole... Read more