The future of artificial intelligence in sports betting 

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There has been a lot of talk about developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it can be used to solve real-world problems. Specifically in the world of gambling there are several general areas where AI could be useful, but before moving forward it is useful to understand what AI is and how it works. What is Artificial Intelligence AI is, like any other computer program, a set of instructions, an algorithm. The difference compared to non-AI programs is… Read more

Artificial intelligence and videogaming

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When, decades ago, the greatest exponents of science fiction began to write about artificial intelligence, they certainly did not imagine a scenario like today's. In fact, for the various Asimovs, Dicks and Bradburys, artificial intelligence was a theme linked mainly to machines capable of evolving and opposing their human creators, introducing themes which were also variously taken up in cinematographic works such as Blade Runner, Terminator and 2001 A World Odyssey. Space. It is probably from this vision that today's double vision derives... Read more