6 bets for the future


The list of technologies under study is very long and is constantly updated: one of the latest lists of future developments that could change the world forever comes from the Institute of Ethics and Emerging Technologies, a research center founded in 2004 by a philosopher, Nick Bostrom, and a bioethicist, James Huges. The list, drawn up with the consultancy of futurologist Gray Scott, presents really interesting elements: here are the "magnificent" 6 technologies that could arrive in the near future. Age reversal… Read more

Extraterrestrial life: the radio bubble hypothesis

where are they

The question was referring to the fact that it seemed strange to him that we were not receiving any extraterrestrial transmissions from space. If it is true that there are millions of planets similar to ours out there and if at least a small percentage of them have developed intelligent life, why don't we receive any radio transmissions? This inconsistency was later called the “Fermi Paradox”. It is clear that if intelligent life develops on a remote planet, once technological development has been reached, it will necessarily have to... Read more