Ok to the first private travels in space

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It's the dream of every #transport company: to start the first private #trips in #space. The future has now arrived, and even private citizens have every right to take a trip to the Moon. The American government's decision to authorize Moon Express, founded by Indian tycoon Naveen Jain, to go to the Moon on an unmanned mission is a historic and one-of-a-kind decision. The company obviously highlighted the news. The mission, scheduled for… Read more

The beauty of landing on a flying airport.

Size matters, even when it comes to aircraft: the bulkier the aircraft, the better they fly, with more stability and efficiency (think of the recent, enormous Airbus A380). Nothing prevents us from imagining, therefore, a timeline in which we will aim to create increasingly larger aircraft, to the point of launching real flying airports, capable of hosting and landing other planes on top of them. This is the underlying reason for the 'Airborne Metro' concept: it is, in fact, ... Read more

Because politics will do without politicians.

In difficult times like these, popular demands persist: in the last 3 and a half years the only positive developments for our country have come from referendums. To the ever greater surprise of politicians and scholars of social flows, political protest movements are organizing themselves and are preparing to be, thanks to the Internet, increasingly structured and 'intelligent'. A typical and important phenomenon in the structure of increasingly present popular movements (from peaceful protest ones to 'revolutionary' ones... Read more

Will it be the cold fusion weekend (Italian)?

While the Bel Paese struggles with economic reforms and new political pressures, yesterday the first independent test took place on a new energy technology called E-Cat: it is a system that uses low-energy nuclear reactions to produce enormous quantities of cheap and clean energy. If it works, it will be a complete revolution for our society: as Mina said "..and I underline SE". Over the past 2 years, the E-Cat concept and prototypes have been… Read more