Nearly one in 5 children under 8 years old use a mobile device every day


Boom in interactions on mobile devices for US children. It is the result of a survey by Common Sense Media, which interviewed a sample of 1500 families with children in that age range. That's currently a third of the number of children reading books every day. It is an important transition phase, not necessarily negative: just consider the data of children under 8 years old engaged in an activity that is often much less interactive: that of watching TV. 58%… Read more

The hummingbird-spy of DARPA


At first glance (and perhaps not too closely) it might seem like a real hummingbird, but it is the new spybot created by DARPA: this flying robot is equipped with a video camera capable of transmitting images remotely. The dimensions are still excessive (but I am very demanding): 16 cm of wingspan and 19 grams of weight. Yes, it's not a Boeing, and No, that's not all. We'll see them fly, guys: and one fine day, we won't even see them... Read more

All about the super job of the future

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I often jokingly hear friends say that to get (or keep) a job today you need superpowers (the most sexist and boorish ones in the case of pretty colleagues argue the need for other skills). The future is made up of many things, and an important theme is precisely that of human enhancement, the improvement of physical and mental performance that can arise from the use of new technologies or medical procedures: in this article I want to offer you some ideas to reflect on. … Read more

Chiba, the robot chair that breaks down architectural barriers


Creating a wheelchair capable of overcoming architectural barriers couldn't have been very simple: today a team of engineers from the Chiba Institute of Technology, led by the Associate Professor, succeeded in the feat using a good dose of lateral thinking. A wheelchair? It's difficult to define it this way: when it encounters an obstacle, Chiba transforms its wheels into... legs! It goes without saying: the wheel is a universal and efficient way to allow all people with limited mobility to travel. However, … Read more

To study methods to communicate with patients in a vegetative state

A group of English neuroscientists has discovered that it is possible to establish a two-way 'conversation' with people in a permanent vegetative state, thanks to a device already present everywhere capable of reading their brain activity. Researchers have noticed how some individuals in this state are able to understand what they are told and follow commands to perform certain actions: the project can radically change the way these patients are treated. In the experiment, 16 were asked… Read more

Lumineyes: in 20 seconds the eyes change color (forever).

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Have you always dreamed of having a beautiful pair of blue eyes, but were you born with dark eyes? A Californian doctor has patented and developed a method capable of changing dark eyes to blue (forever) in just 20 seconds. How does Lumineyes work? Dr. Gregg Homer is an optical specialist at the Stroma Medical Institute in California. He has patented and uses a technique called Lumineyes to remove the brown pigment (melanin) from the top layer of the iris using a unique laser. … Read more

When Thomas Edison wanted to build houses


Yesterday's dreams are today's reality: we live in the age of mechanical, electrical, chemical and psychic wonders. In every field of knowledge the human mind is solving the problems it finds in nature: the dreamer dreams, the businessman has the duty to transform and sell these new ideas. What will be the point of view of those who are able to do both, to imagine and realize what the world needs? The article refers again, between… Read more

Intel's new 3D transistors

The 3D transistors are made thanks to Intel's revolutionary technology called Tri-Gate which, thanks to a 22nm technological process, allows us to keep up with Moore's law. Topic to be explored both from the Moore's law side (Will the development of chips follow Moore's law?) and the scientific side with the discovery of 3D crystals. Mark Bohr, who has been at Intel for some time, explains everything to us: here is a small excerpt from the interview, while you can find the complete interview (complete with video) on ... Read more

In nanomachine towards the future

It's not the first and it won't be the last. Scientists from the University of Groningen (Holland) and the Empa research center (Switzerland) have created a nanometric transport system equipped with four motor units (translation: a “namomachine”). It's electric, four nanometers long and every half turn of the wheels has to fill up... It works thanks to a scanning tunneling microscope positioned above it, which transmits a tiny electric charge that causes reversible structural changes in the wheels (translation: … Read more

Preserving the brain to live again in digital form: plastination.

Death is the end of everything. Our brain, which has functioned well for many decades, at the moment of our departure from the world, in the space of just twenty minutes undergoes anoxia and neurons and synapses fall apart. No machine, after such damage, will be able to revive us; it will be able to reactivate cardiac functions and circulation but our brain will be gone forever. And to say that the brain has "gone" for philosophy... Read more

Repairing the damage of time will 'cure' you from old age

Day after day this ambitious goal is starting to become reality thanks to the progress of biomedical research. For several years, researchers have believed that the cells most damaged by aging, called "senescent", damage the surrounding tissue causing many of the pathologies characteristic of old age. These cells, which have stopped dividing due to the ravages of time, continue to secrete large quantities of molecules, many of which are toxic, in the surrounding environment. In a study recently published in the prestigious journal Nature, scientists from "Mayo ... Read more

Will it be the cold fusion weekend (Italian)?

While the Bel Paese struggles with economic reforms and new political pressures, yesterday the first independent test took place on a new energy technology called E-Cat: it is a system that uses low-energy nuclear reactions to produce enormous quantities of cheap and clean energy. If it works, it will be a complete revolution for our society: as Mina said "..and I underline SE". Over the past 2 years, the E-Cat concept and prototypes have been… Read more

There's no need to be comfortable: the crisis is also hitting the sofa. Natuzzi's complaint.

Pushed globalization has not been interpreted in the best way: many analysts expected the world to become smaller, and instead we only discovered it to be worse. There is a lack of rules that allow true freedom of exchange, because the total absence of economic constraints has leveled the prices of goods that require human labor downwards: their decline has corresponded to the lowering of workers' income and purchasing power. And the quality of the products? Worsened, with the use of… Read more

Will Playstation Tablet be the rival of iPad?

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The rumors in the IT world make it almost certain: Sony is working on a tablet with a strong vocation for games, capable of countering the primacy of the iPad in the sector. There is no doubt that the growth of Apple's product is creating quite a few problems for the Japanese company: a versatile system, capable of running games with complex graphics and equipped with its own built-in distribution and sales system: there It's like banging your head against the wall. The… Read more

Here are the nanoverms, future allies of our health


According to a group of Boston researchers, a new species of "microworms" composed of nanotubes could create implantable sensors or drug delivery systems: we will thus be able to monitor the progress of a medical treatment and the conditions of our body . These are tiny structures, equipped with a porous membrane and virtually capable of hosting materials or devices of various kinds: the research conducted to date had led to nanomachines of different shapes, usually ... Read more