Blood nanorobot to treat infections and tumors


This is the case of "nanobots" or microscopic machines (about 50 nanometers in size) that science fiction had imagined in the Star Trek series and which, injected into a patient's circulation, went there to rebuild damaged tissues, eliminate pathogens such as viruses and resistant bacteria or even eradicate a cancer. Unfortunately, the economic factor often stops the ideas and drive towards innovation of motivated researchers: no one puts in the money and the research remains on paper. … Read more

Cessna develops an aircraft condom

Okay, maybe it's not quite a full-blown condom, but the concept is very close: NASA has awarded Cessna with a brand new contract to work on a sort of 'protective skin' for airplanes, which would allow aircraft to repair damage 'yourself'. Following initial preparatory studies a year ago, Cessna is studying a special layer of energy-absorbing foam and conductive film that can withstand… Read more