10 helps to increase intelligence

increase intelligence

With the new technologies of the near future, we will all be able to achieve super intelligence: while you wait, there are a few things you can do now to increase intelligence. Of course, it will be difficult to become a genius in one fell swoop, but learning skills, mental clarity and mood can be improved. Here are 10 remedies. Before reading how to increase intelligence, consult your doctor before taking one of the 10 "tips" contained in this article (except for number 3, for which you can ... Read more

All about the super job of the future

future work

I often jokingly hear friends say that to get (or keep) a job today you need superpowers (the most sexist and boorish ones in the case of pretty colleagues argue the need for other skills). The future is made up of many things, and an important theme is precisely that of human enhancement, the improvement of physical and mental performance that can arise from the use of new technologies or medical procedures: in this article I want to offer you some ideas to reflect on. … Read more

Tested a vaccine against synthetic drugs

Methamphetamine EnPolvo

When you hear about “Ice”, “Shaboo” or “Crystal Meth” you know that these are some of the most widespread synthetic drugs in the world, as well as the most dangerous. These are active ingredients all deriving from methamphetamine, a sympathomimetic that literally bombards the brain with dopamine. According to the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, there are as many as 25 million users and dependents on these substances worldwide. A team of scientists… Read more

Connectomics – Building a map of the mind

There are approximately 100 billion neurons in the brain of an adult human, and each of these neurons is connected to hundreds of others for a total of approximately 150 billion connections in total. Neuroscience is discovering that it is the pattern of these connections, the structure of this immense neural network, that is largely responsible for the functionality of the brain, in other words for our mental life: everything we feel, think, experience or do. Our … Read more

To study methods to communicate with patients in a vegetative state

A group of English neuroscientists has discovered that it is possible to establish a two-way 'conversation' with people in a permanent vegetative state, thanks to a device already present everywhere capable of reading their brain activity. Researchers have noticed how some individuals in this state are able to understand what they are told and follow commands to perform certain actions: the project can radically change the way these patients are treated. In the experiment, 16 were asked… Read more

Mars500, astronauts return from 'Mars' today after 520 days.


Technically they never moved, in fact they only opened the doors of this bunker after 1 and a half years: nothing like Big Brother. Last February the simulator recorded the 'landing on Mars' with related spacewalks: the mission had the aim of testing the effects of stress and isolation that a long space journey can cause in the brains of astronauts. Good news: Patrick Sunblad, the ESA specialist who oversaw the mission, says “The team has… Read more

Synthetic organ made 'from scratch' with stem cells.

pituitary gland

If you are still not convinced that stem cells are the future of medicine, listen here: a group of Japanese researchers used stem cells to synthesize a new, fully functional organ in the laboratory, starting from SCRATCH. This is the research team at the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, which took mouse stem cells and transformed them into a perfectly functioning pituitary gland: the pituitary gland, otherwise called the pituitary gland, is a small organ... Read more