The healthiest countries in the world

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Before, it was climate, attractions or food that dominated the scene: now other aspects also apply. Here are the healthiest and longest-lived countries to spend the future.

Flexible sensors: a revolution. Our life at a glance.


The best medical devices for measuring blood pressure today require a prolonged stay of the patient in the clinic. An experimental sensor can adhere to the skin almost like a tattoo and monitor this parameter in real time 24 hours a day. Why is a wearable sensor a revolution? A flexible and wearable sensor marks the difference between a simple 'photograph' of the patient and a constant path that allows us to perfectly understand what correlations exist between daily activities and the variation... Read more

Smart steering wheel controls vital signs while driving

We have already said a lot about devices that check if you are too drunk to drive, but today a group of German researchers want to take this concept a little further: their 'intelligent steering' constantly monitors the driver's vital functions and changes behavior of the vehicle in their operation. Developed by the Munich Technical University in collaboration with BMW, this steering is equipped with numerous sensors capable of measuring heart rate, oxygenation levels and blood pressure: if … Read more