In the USA the robot drives planes

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After self-driving cars, why not think about self-driving #planes? In the United States they are trying it, with a robotic co-#pilot. Is the future that awaits us driven by #robots? For now, surveys say that virtually no traveler would be willing to board an aircraft piloted by a robot; in fact, if we have more faith in cars, we still believe that planes should be driven by human beings. Studies, for now, are focusing… Read more

DARPA invests 7.5 million for the micro implant of "super soldiers"


Profusa, a company that develops biotechnology in San Francisco, has obtained funding of 7.5 million dollars from #DARPA for the development of its proprietary technology relating to a tiny implantable biosensor: it is another plus for the constantly developing Super Soldiers . Funders are aiming to develop technologies that can provide real-time monitoring. About what? Of the vital parameters of the soldiers, in order to improve the efficiency of the missions. The sensors, developed with a… Read more

The future world will have stateless nations

new world

It is a truly complicated period on a geopolitical level: an epochal transition towards the future world that almost imposes the dynamics of social networks even on political entities. What is happening in Syria (and in other neighboring nations) has every appearance of being a transition from a world of "nation states" to a world of "stateless nations". It is not the only indication of a change: other unknown factors that determine citizenship or belonging to a territory are changing. … Read more

The invisibility cloak is in its last stages: impressive.

invisibility cloak

Physicist Andrea Alu of the University of Texas has presented an 'invisibility cloak' which, in addition to the (already tested) use of metamaterials, adds a CMOS 'inverter' to the corners of the device, making it thinner and lighter. The effect is impressive and tangible: it makes us understand how this 'camouflage' mechanism will be used shortly thereafter, probably in the military field, even if it would have an enormous series of possible applications (even in ethology: the study of animal species would be facilitated by the possibility of being in… Read more

Jet Capsule, the "utilitarian" yacht is born

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Studio Lazzarini, an Italian design group, recently presented a “mini yacht” at the annual sector fair in the Principality of Monaco. The Jet Capsule is a vessel 7 and a half meters long and 3 and a half meters wide: its small size and the enormous possibility of customization make it suitable for many applications such as taxi, patrol, ambulance. Lazzarini's "utility yacht" is single or twin-engined and accommodates up to 8 passengers with automatically closing doors, convertible bed, ... Read more

Jobs of the near future: 26 jobs of tomorrow

Future Of Work i1140

In the days that mark the fall of the Berlusconi government and the Italian economic crisis (remember? we predicted it on the old site) I am as disheartened as all of you. The moment is difficult: we can only get out of it if all levels of our country change by looking to the future more than to the past. Some jobs will still survive in the future, let's be clear: but there is a whole series of jobs that don't exist today and which could be useful in the near future. Let's go with common sense: 60%... Read more