The sun against smoking

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Smokers, you are warned: exposing yourself to the sun's rays is especially good for you, given that the action of the sun, as has just been demonstrated, mitigates the damage caused by cigarette smoking. The news was revealed by a Swedish study just published in the Journal of Internal Medicine, a study conducted on 30 thousand women. “The study which began in 1990 involved Swedish women aged between 25 and 64 – stated Girolomoni, Director of Dermatology of Verona and president of the… Read more

In nanomachine towards the future

It's not the first and it won't be the last. Scientists from the University of Groningen (Holland) and the Empa research center (Switzerland) have created a nanometric transport system equipped with four motor units (translation: a “namomachine”). It's electric, four nanometers long and every half turn of the wheels has to fill up... It works thanks to a scanning tunneling microscope positioned above it, which transmits a tiny electric charge that causes reversible structural changes in the wheels (translation: … Read more

Repairing the damage of time will 'cure' you from old age

Day after day this ambitious goal is starting to become reality thanks to the progress of biomedical research. For several years, researchers have believed that the cells most damaged by aging, called "senescent", damage the surrounding tissue causing many of the pathologies characteristic of old age. These cells, which have stopped dividing due to the ravages of time, continue to secrete large quantities of molecules, many of which are toxic, in the surrounding environment. In a study recently published in the prestigious journal Nature, scientists from "Mayo ... Read more