15 predictions about the future of consumer sales


“Change is the law of life: those who look only to the past or present will certainly miss the future.” JF Kennedy Consumer choices and expectations will change very rapidly with the advancement of technological progress, often forcing companies to adopt a strategy of continuous adaptation to new generations and new trends. Here are 15 predictions on future purchasing experiences that I have collected and formulated through the analysis of data and reports from companies and study centers: … Read more

How interactive displays change the future of retailing


PERCH pioneered the transformation of a normal display into an extraordinary means of communication, changing the users' purchasing experience. In these videos we show different possible applications of this technology, and how it will be possible to observe, choose and purchase objects in a much more interactive way than the one we adopt today. At the New York company they experiment with design, contents and forms, thanks to a system that combines cameras and sensors "evaluating" in real time the action that the buyer takes on the object, and... Read more

The gym of the future

Gyms are not a recent phenomenon: if you think that it is only a place linked to the vain and obese, you are wrong. The 'gymnasium' was the ancient Greek space that hosted the physical exercises and training of athletes. The first gym in the form we know came out in the middle of the last century, with a point of no return: the creation of the first working treadmill, in the 60s, which allowed the first brave people to start running in ... Read more

The mad rush of miniaturized health


The efforts that technology has made to improve our health conditions and our life expectancy seem to be preparing for the big leap, causing a substantial transformation in the way we treat ourselves and stay healthy for a long time. Here are the changes we should prepare for, and if they don't arrive quickly we should push for them to happen: Loanable Telemedicine: Telemedicine services, 'lighter' consultations that can be delivered via telephone or internet, now have an excellent propensity to ... Read more

Within 10 years, solar panels in orbit and clean energy on Earth.

solar orbit

Already heard it and does it sound like science fiction to you? According to the results of a 3-year study with 10 nations involved conducted by the International Academy of Astronautics, it could be a reality within 10 years. The biggest disadvantage of today's solar energy is that it doesn't work in the evening or when the sky is cloudy: in space, on the contrary, the Sun is present 24 hours a day, 24 days a week. No storms, no clouds. The obvious solution to the problem, therefore, is to move all PV capacity… Read more

Extraterrestrial life: the radio bubble hypothesis

where are they

The question was referring to the fact that it seemed strange to him that we were not receiving any extraterrestrial transmissions from space. If it is true that there are millions of planets similar to ours out there and if at least a small percentage of them have developed intelligent life, why don't we receive any radio transmissions? This inconsistency was later called the “Fermi Paradox”. It is clear that if intelligent life develops on a remote planet, once technological development has been reached, it will necessarily have to... Read more

Mars500, astronauts return from 'Mars' today after 520 days.


Technically they never moved, in fact they only opened the doors of this bunker after 1 and a half years: nothing like Big Brother. Last February the simulator recorded the 'landing on Mars' with related spacewalks: the mission had the aim of testing the effects of stress and isolation that a long space journey can cause in the brains of astronauts. Good news: Patrick Sunblad, the ESA specialist who oversaw the mission, says “The team has… Read more

Preserving the brain to live again in digital form: plastination.

Death is the end of everything. Our brain, which has functioned well for many decades, at the moment of our departure from the world, in the space of just twenty minutes undergoes anoxia and neurons and synapses fall apart. No machine, after such damage, will be able to revive us; it will be able to reactivate cardiac functions and circulation but our brain will be gone forever. And to say that the brain has "gone" for philosophy... Read more

ET3, flying over land: speed at the tube.


A consortium of companies seeking to aggregate funds and ideas to reach the definitive development of the project recently presented this invention at the annual innovation award of the Da Vinci Institute. Transport through ET3, in the intentions of the developers, will be clean, fast, comfortable and accessible to all. What is it about? Imagine carrying out a sort of space flight, but staying on earth: traveling faster than a jet plane but doing it in an electric vehicle that... Read more

Holodesk, the hologram counter is served.

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Microsoft's Holodesk project is starting to provide the first prototypes and the first stimuli: the possibility of manipulating '3D' objects in physical space seems really interesting. The system combines a Kinect sensor (yes, the kind that is currently used 'for fun') and a special screen to create a three-dimensional environment in which it is possible to intervene directly. The concept is more than simple: a projector sends an image into the work area, which is observed through a transparent 'partition'... Read more

An amphibious garden to clean European rivers

Vincent Callebaut Architect Physalia2

Belgian designer Vincent Callebaut, who has always been committed to finding solutions to the problem of water shortages that will hit the planet with the population explosion that has already begun, has developed several concepts over the years that provide new perspectives. One of these is the 'Physalia Project', a cloud of amphibious gardens capable of simultaneously acting as a traveling exhibition space and cleaning system for Europe's rivers. Let's not hide it: our survival depends on the amount of clean water we drink. Second … Read more