Tracking of company vans: the future for safer fleets


Companies that own fleets of vehicles carry out activities that can pose significant risks to the safety of their employees and the reputation of the company itself. For this reason, the adoption of technologies such as GPS tracking systems for vans can be an effective way to improve the safety of company activities and prevent accidents or mishaps. GPS for company vans: all the advantages of a correctly tracked fleet Locating company vans via a GPS tracking system can… Read more

Technology and companies: what's the point in Italy?

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New technologies have been pervading all production sectors of Italian industry for decades now. Already in 2020, over 80% of SMEs implemented half of the technologies designated by Europe to define a digital company, according to what was found by ISTAT. However, the journey still seems long and there is still a long way to go. Companies are working hard to implement new machinery and automate processes, through software and programs that can manage workflows automatically and without ... Read more