Muse, take a look at your brain


There are several wearable devices already designed to monitor our vital parameters, from heartbeat to sleep patterns: a group of inventors is bringing to the market a user-friendly and wearable approach to brain wave monitoring. InteraXon is a Canadian company that is working hard to introduce a band called Muse, to be worn on the forehead, which uses 4 EEG (Electro Encephalogram) sensors capable of showing the traces of the brain. In the initial release… Read more

Tefina, Viagra Spray is here for you


Space research has often encountered rather serious problems when trying to reproduce the same conditions on Earth in the absence of gravity. One of the most insurmountable difficulties was that linked to 'space sex'. There is a whole series of cases on the subject: the results are not satisfactory. Looking at our planet can then make us understand that the problems related to sex are many and complex even without leaving our atmosphere. For men, erectile dysfunction, for women,... Read more

5 skills to survive the future


What skills need to be developed? Surviving is a relative concept: you can do without a lot, but beyond easy philosophy, an immersive world like ours characterized by an enormous amount of information is a jungle that is difficult to cross without having strong shoulders. Here are 5 skills to focus on for society in the coming years: 1 – Knowing how to manage communications According to Nielsen, in the first quarter of 2010 European teenagers sent and received… Read more

Smart steering wheel controls vital signs while driving

We have already said a lot about devices that check if you are too drunk to drive, but today a group of German researchers want to take this concept a little further: their 'intelligent steering' constantly monitors the driver's vital functions and changes behavior of the vehicle in their operation. Developed by the Munich Technical University in collaboration with BMW, this steering is equipped with numerous sensors capable of measuring heart rate, oxygenation levels and blood pressure: if … Read more

Mars500, astronauts return from 'Mars' today after 520 days.


Technically they never moved, in fact they only opened the doors of this bunker after 1 and a half years: nothing like Big Brother. Last February the simulator recorded the 'landing on Mars' with related spacewalks: the mission had the aim of testing the effects of stress and isolation that a long space journey can cause in the brains of astronauts. Good news: Patrick Sunblad, the ESA specialist who oversaw the mission, says “The team has… Read more

Bang & Olufsen hits Encore


(sponsored article) Multipurpose environments and intelligent spaces await us in the near future to pamper us and meet the needs of a presumably more stressed population: the 'show down' will travel in the opposite direction to disorder: it seems classic but one can expect rooms increasingly essential, elegant, capable of calming the soul and transmitting serenity and harmony. Speaking of harmony: what will happen to music? A factor that has been important to humans for thousands of years will not be overlooked tomorrow either: ... Read more