always AIDS is considered an untreatable disease, perhaps by keep under control, but impossible to heal completely. From today, something could change.
“There is a serious possibility that within the next three to five years HIV patients will come negativized, even becoming non-contagious with relatively light therapies." It is an important step forward to avoid new infections. The news was given by Luca Pani, Director General of the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa). It is one of the most striking pieces of news in relation to the fight against HIV since the virus was officially recognized.
Preventing contagion would mean dealing a major blow to the disease, preventing it from spreading like wildfire throughout the world. And unfortunately the percentages of contagionto date, they grow by at least 4 percent every year. “In general, new scenarios will open up in the coming years for oncological, infectious and neurodegenerative diseases,” continues Pani.
The costs of future AIDS medicine are also expected to be lower than the costs of current therapies, in a way that is different from what happened with hepatitis C.