Sensitive teeth: causes, symptoms and treatments. Everything you need to know about it

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Especially nowadays, having correct oral hygiene is necessary. In a society where appearances are worth a lot, being able to show off a dazzling smile represents an important added value in any context. In short, neglecting your oral hygiene presents more problems than you might think, not only affecting appearances, but also the health of the oral cavity in general. For this reason, paying attention to your teeth is very important, not only for a question of pleasant aesthetics, ... Read more

How to stay energetic during the day?


The physiological processes of the human organism depend on metabolism. It transforms the foods you eat into energy to provide your body with the fuel it needs to function well throughout the day. Here are some tips to help you prevent or overcome frequent daily drops in tone. Take care of your diet to avoid tiredness To stay energetic throughout the day, you must first take care of your diet. On the one hand, you need to eat meals at regular times. On the other hand, it is recommended to diversify the content… Read more