Energy from nuclear fusion less distant with the laser as hot as the sun


A team of scientists from Imperial College London has probably made the possibility of obtaining unlimited energy from nuclear fusion less distant thanks to a theoretical model of a laser that can develop 10 million degrees Celsius (probably a higher temperature than what is found to the center of the Sun) in 20 quadrillionths of a second: practically instantaneously. The development represents a step forward towards the dream of obtaining energy from thermonuclear fusion: a clean, sustainable and unlimited source… Read more

Delay for nuclear fusion

nuclear process

Five years of delay in completing the Iter experimental reactor were today announced. It is a huge machine designed to demonstrate the feasibility of nuclear fusion. But it cannot be completed before the end of 2025 and with an extra 4 billion euros in funding from member countries. The project aims to reproduce on Earth the thermonuclear reactions that take place in the core of stars. It officially started in 2005, but soon the… Read more